Chapter 3: The Accident

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*Sawyer's POV*

After the break up 20 minutes ago, I decided to get Nikki back. I walked into my room, pulled out an old Grim Reaper mask, went into the kitchen, pulled out a knife from the cabinet, and left the house.

When I arrived at the apartment building I went up to the floor directory and searched for Nikki's name.

Ummmm... E3, Okay. I pushed the button and waited for myself to be buzzed in. There was no answer. Well, fine don't answer the door for me you lazy skank. I quickly picked the lock hoping the cameras didn't see and jumped onto the elevator. I pushed floor three ans waited. First, I was gonna break down her door, scare her with the knife and mask, and then I'll reveal who I really am and then jump in and kiss her.

I ran down the hall to the apartment and noticed her door was wide open. I started to panic what if some random guy walked in and mugged her and then decided to rape her. I rushed into the apartment and looked around. Aha!! On the floor next to Nikki's cute leopard flats were someones blue Air Jordans. I tip toed to Nikki's room with the knife in my hand. I peered into the room and saw what I didn't want to see. Some random guy spooning my girl... And you know what.... She liked it.

"Somebody forgot to lock the door," I said leaning againist the door frame.

*Josh's POV*

I turned and looked at the doorway. There stood Sawyer.

"Don't put your hands on her," I said sternly as I put my shirt back on.

Nikki started to cover up her body with the blanket and sobbed underneath. I stood in front of Sawyer. His minted breath made me sick.

"Why would I," he said slyly.

Nikki ran over and clutched my hand.

"We're together and there's nothing you can do about it," Nikki blurted.

"Oh... Don't assume I didn't notice... It was kinda obvious after I saw you guys cuddling in bed," Sawyer said.

Sawyer gripped the knife in his hand and swung toward Nikki. I froze and didn't have time to jump in front of her. Sawyer hit her with the knife and blood came pouring out of her side.

"How could you," I said mourning over Nikki's body.

"She deserved it... We were together and she broke up with me all because of a tiny incident," Sawyer said as he walked out of the apartment.

"It wasn't a tiny incident," Nikki managed to get out before she passed out on the floor.

I quickly ran out the room leaving red footprints all over the wood floor. I went into the kitchen, grabbed the phone, and dialed 911.

"Hello... Yes.... My girlfriend she was stabbed by her ex.... Shes passed out on the floor... Ummm 24 street 1st avenue 2nd building on the right..... Ummm floor 3 apartment E3.... Okay thanks come quickly," I said sobbing.

I ran into the room and lifted Nikki off the floor onto her bed. She was bleeding faster than before. I set her down on the bed and prayed she would be okay. I cleaned up her cut by using a wet rag and sat beside her.

In less than 5 minutes, the paramedics came. They rushed her onto a cot and carried her out. I watched from the 3rd story window as they carried her into the ambulance.

"Hello, I'm Carrie. I'm the head paramedic do you mind filling put this quick form," Carrie said as she put a clipboard in my hands.

"Ummm... Sure," I quickly said before she walked away.

*Nikki's POV*

I awoke in a white room. It smelled like mint and alcohol. Then I realized I was sitting in a hospital bed.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Wanda, I will be treating you for the next couple of days," the doctor said as she sat on her small chair across from me.

"Hi," I said not being too enthusiastic about the strange lady before me.

"Well it seems you have suffered major injuries becuase of a knife on your side," Wanda said looking at my files.

No duh

"Ummm... Yes," I whispered

"No need to whisper sweety. Anyway, can you tell me how this happened," Wanda said with a warm smile.

I took a deep breath and told her.

"I just broke up with my ex yesterday and then I got together with another guy that same day," I started.

"Well, well lucky you. I can't even get a guy to notice me," Wanda chuckled.

This is gonna take forever.

"Anyway, my new boyfriend and I were ummm sitting in bed together when my ex just showed up," I continued

Wanda nodded me to go on.

"They got in a fight and my ex stabbed me, then he left," I exclaimed.

Wanda just stared at me like it was hopeless to save me. Then, she got up.

"Okay... Well we need to contact the police. Do you know where he lives," Wanda addressed.

"Ummm yes," I said smiling.

I gave her the address and she left the room.

Visiting hours start any minute. I waited for those couple of miuntes and I finally got a visitor. My best friend, Amanda came in sat down.

"OhMyGosh," she squealed, "are you okay i mean what happened!"

I told her what happened and then she gave me a little smirk.

"If your not with Sawyer anymore then who are you with now," Amanda asked.

"Ummm... My best friend Josh," I replied quickly.

"Ohmygosh," she yelled with her mouth wide open, "do you know what this means... It means your gonna be famous and I get to meet famous people and your gonna be famous and stuff!!!!"

Amanda blabbered on about what she would do if she was famous just as a very familiar guy walked into the room. Yes... It was Sam Claflin, the actor who played Finnick. I was wondering what he was doing here.

In my best not fangirl voice I said, "Ummm... Aren't you Sam Claflin?"

"Yes," he replied in his perfect British accent.

"Why are you here," I said not trying to sound rude.

"Well, your boyfriend, Josh couldn't make it so he sent me to make sure you feel better," he said.

"Thanks," I said almost blushing.

Amanda was staring at him the wholde time. She loved Sam Claflin so much I thought her eyeballs would melt off her face becuase of how much force she looks at him. The problem was she loved Josh more, so it would probably be hard to live with her if she kept staring at my boyfriend.

*Sam's POV*

Wow! Josh never told me his girlfriend was a total babe. OhMyGosh! I better not start hitiing on her... That would be so embarrassing and idiotic of me.

"So, I you feel better," I stuttered, "and Josh gives you his best wishes"

I quickly dashed out before anyone could see me blush.

*Nikki's POV*

What's wrong with Sam... nevermind that; he's so perfect and...

Wait?! What am I thinking?! I'm with Josh I can't like his best friend.

Erg!! This is gonna turn into an ugly relationship.

Heyy guys! Hoped you liked this chapter. Who do you think Nikki will go with in the end??? Well remember leave comments and suggestions in the comments and make sure to vote. <3

Question of the Day: When I get a certain amount of reads I'm gonna make a special chapter... It can be anything you want. Just send it to me in the comments. What do you want to see in the special chapter?

Have a great winter break!! GOODBYE!! <3 And may the odds be ever in your favor!!

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