Chapter 3: Visage of Oryx

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A giant figure spawned. I didn't know what it was because the second it spawned, it spit out fire everywhere and I had to dodge. "Whoa!" I said in a short, high pitched voice as I dodged.

I hid behind cover and ran up the upper floor in front of me. I ran around the circular room to get a good look at what spat out fire. I stop running and stare at it as it was firing at me with its Boomer shots.

"It's- it's a Knight, but..." It was white and black, just like the Rifts. It took form of a Knight, but was twitching all around it's body. It was shaky and unstable. It began to fire again as I continue moving. As I run around the perimeter of the room and encounter a Psion. The Psion was the same themed color as well, but still held the form of itself. It was like they were on the same team. I was close enough to impale it with my blade. Right as I impale it, another one was made at the moment of its death. I then punched that one and caused it to make another one. I stopped to stare at it with confused, yet frustrated look. I watched it split into two Psions.

"They can reproduce?!" Nolan exclaimed.

"Just.. stop... splitting!" I say as I punch the left one with my knife and simultaneously back kick the other one.

"That'll teach them to stop splitting," I added. "Whoa, now it sounds weird to say splitting now. Why is that a thing? When you say the word multiple times and then it sounds weird to say it?"

"C, now is not the time!" Nolan exclaimed.

I shook my head and turn my attention to the Knight to find out that it had shot me right as I turned and jumped down to the center. I was sent back the Cabal crates. I was staggered and weak. The Knight was strong, stronger than my Light. Nolan did a quick scan and was recommended for Guardians of the Light 220 or higher; mine was 189.

I had barely gotten up, and the Knight had grabbed me by the neck and slammed me to the ground, shattering my Light barrier upon making contact with the ground and bouncing back up from the velocity. I grunt loudly as I reach for my rifle, from where earlier it had slipped out of my hands. Before I could manage to reach it, the Knight put its foot on my chest, pressing violently on it. I scream out loud as it points its weapon at me.
He fires and decimates my body, leaving me in Resurrection Mode.

Since this was a Restricted Zone, there wasn't enough Light to come back.
A voice growled in echos, "Light! Your will is mine!"

Seeing through Nolan's vision, the Knight was reaching for Nolan. It's hand was hovering over him.

"Uh, Crimson!?" He shouted. "It's- it's taking my Light!"

The Knight was devouring Nolan in seconds. If Nolan moved away, he would abandon my Light trace and would leave me forever to die.

The more Light the Knight took, the darker Nolan's vision got. I couldn't think of anything to say, except for him to leave me and find help.

"I- I can't hold much longer..." he says as he voice starts to disorientate and static.

"Leave me," I told him softly.

"What!? No! I'm not leaving you!" He exclaimed.

"There's no way we're gonna live together, and there's no way I'm making it out! It's only you!" I sigh and take a deep breath. "Take my light and use it to get out of here."

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