Chapter 7: Stiring Conflict

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Nolan and I go over the things we scanned back on Phobos in the new dorm I have.

It isn't just new, it's a whole upgrade. Top of the Tower, 3 rooms with a outdoor in-ground pool which is 10 feet deep. The pool area links the 3 rooms together. You're able to see the other two rooms from the slide door window. The pool is shaped as the Speaker's Tricorn symbol the small circle part of the Tricorn is a hot tub while the rest is a normal pool. The pool itself was bigger than our rooms. If I remember from the pamphlet that on the bed of my new room, I think it was 120ft in length from top to bottom. There's tubes, lounge chairs, sports balls, a grill, and even a nice balcony off to the side towards the beautiful view of the city. Finally our dorms, our dorms are smaller than the group one we had, but that's only because we have three rooms now. An adjustable 2-person bed, ultra-high quality TV, a walk in kitchen, a luxurious bathroom with all the appliances needed, and a direct electronic mailbox system for classes at the back of the room. The whole dorm was shaped in a rectangle. It seemed small when you're looking at it from outside, but inside it's roomy. Another cool thing is the hallways. We take a spiral stairway that leads underneath the pool and to a door. Opening the door takes you to a fancy hallway that has a unique theme all over the walls and carpet. It was so modern and somewhat fancy. Outside our door was the Fireteam's suitcases with our names on them and color coded. It also had our branded subclass symbols on the top corner and as zippers on the suitcase: Crimson, Indigo, Violet, Raven, Carlos and Octavia.

My branded symbol had a gold, feiry pistol, Golden Gun. My color was white.

Indigo had a strange symbol. It was like a spark or something. Lightning I guess you would call it. Her color was an ultra blue.

Violet had the Void element symbol. Obviously her color was purple.

Raven had a sword with fire. Her color was orange.

Carlos had dual Arc Daggers. His color was a darker blue.

Octavia was the weirdest one. It was green, along with her suitcase, with spiraling snakes around a ball, like the one Raven was wearing.

Speaking of which, we also have a new fireteam now. Didn't bother to ask why, but it's not like it bothers me.

I had already knew about the whole place, but I never got to see it until Nolan and I left the meeting. But I wasn't the first one there, already Violet, Raven, Octavia, and Carlos were here all in their swimwear outfits. Violet was relaxing at the pool on a chair tube, Carlos was swimming around near Raven as she sat at the stair that connects between the ground and the pool, and Octavia was lying down straight on the retractable lounge chairs with her eyes closed.

"Oh, c'mon. It isn't that bad," Carlos told Raven.

"Oh I dunno," Raven says, rolling her eyes.

"I won't let you drown. Besides, you're on the shallow side," he assured her.

She sighs and rolls her eyes again. "Okay, fine. If my head goes underwater for a second, your head is going down with me," she jokingly threatens.

Carlos laughs and swims closer to her, ready to catch her if she somehow drowns. She slowly takes a step carefully. She holds the guardrail with her left hand as she goes down the whole time. Carlos approaches her and smiles. "See? Not so bad isn't it?" He says.

Raven kneels down till the water is at her neck. "Yeah... I guess not," she says with a smile.

"Now for the fun part," Carlos said.

Raven stares at him with a confused look. "What do you mean?" She asks.

Carlos then pulls his hands back in the water and pushes it forward, sending a splash of water at Raven's face entirely. She had flinched in time to not get any in her eyes by blocking with her arms. Violet raises her shades and looks at Raven laughing. "You're just gonna let him do that?" Violet says.

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