Chapter 4: Exfiltrate

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"The base is a loss," said Zavala. "We have reports of these, Taken across the system; go! Get out!"

I follow behind Raven as we make our way out the base to the inner area of the entire Firebase. Raven and I stop right at the walkway meets outside. There were explosions and chaos everywhere. Cabal ships crashing down, Taken beams from the sky shooting down its wrath, just a recipe for disaster. I look at Raven with concern as she conveys the area with such a calm, yet furious face.

"How can you be not be surprised by this?!" I ask.

"It's because I know who's causing this," she replies.

"Calling our ship now," Nolan informed me.

"Do you have a ride?" I ask Raven.

Right as I finish speaking, a Cabal ship crashes to the left of us at a floor lower than us.

"That was my ride," she says looking at the ship.

"Well then it's my ride it is," I comment.
Perfectly timed, my ship flies past over us.

"Our ship is landing across the airfield, hurry!" Nolan informs me.

"No time to waste, let's go!" I tell Raven.

I ran across the walkway and leap down onto the lower floor the ship crashed. There were Taken and Cabal fighting everywhere we looked around. I decided to let'em Be and worry about myself for once. I run to a broken bridge and blink across it. Then I run to the center building and fight through the Taken. Once this building was clear, I sprint across the intact bridge and make it across the airfield. I take out the last two Taken minions and see my ship. Before I enter, I turn around for Raven but don't see her.

"Where'd she go?"I ask in a jolt of confusion.

"Dunno. I'm not reading a life trace within 100ft. C, we gotta go," said Nolan.

I didn't want to leave her, but these Taken had me exhausted and weak. I had no choice but to leave. The ship lifts off and blasts away from Phobos.

"Zavala, we're on our ship, we're headed home," said Nolan.

When I got in, I was transmated on the pilot seat. I sat lazily and took my helmet off, letting out a long breath as my arm was on my leaned back head.

"Well. Today was an interesting event," Nolan said, breaking the silence.

I turn to the side slowly at him. "Gee, you don't say. What give it away?" I said sarcastically.

The ship hits slipspace seconds later. I finally sit up and spin myself around gently as I process everything that happened.

"I... I have no words for this. I'm not sure what to do," I say out loud. Nolan flies close to me and stares. I stare back and give him the confusing head tilt.

"You've changed," he told me.

"How so?" I ask.

"You weren't what you were like before when I first resurrected you. You were so jumpy and energetic. Now you're more determined and focused."

I pull my hair back with both of my hands and keep them there at the back of my head. "Because I... I dunno," I say. "I'm just growing up."

"According to your biological body, there are no signs of puberty or changes to those areas of your body, just with your nervous system," he said.

I turn to him with mixed emotions and blush red. "First off, leave me alone with my puberty insecurities! And secondly, this is very embarrassing for me because I'm 16!" I yell leaning back and kicking my feet like a child. He stares at me confused as I stare back.

"Okay, That last reason didn't make much sense but that's only because I needed a second reason!" I added.

"There she is," he muttered in a positive tone. "But let's focus. We need to get to the Tower and consult this."

I nod my head. "No argument there. Let's go. There's nothing we can do without the Vanguards' help," I said.

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