Chapter 8: A Dragon's Intension

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It was an hour and a half of a story that I never thought would be possible...

"It all started with a wicked woman far more than me," Violet said. "Her name is Caleste."

Raven puts her hand on Violet's shoulder and whispers something to her.

"May I?" Raven asks calmly to me. She was referring to me allowing her to explain outside in private. I nod my head. She walks towards the balcony and stares at the Traveler. "Come," she said.

I approach her and look out to the beautifully-lit city.

"I was hopeful with smile that couldn't be taken away. One day, many years ago, the Speaker had ordered the Hunters to wipe the wish dragons out of our existence; The Ahamkaras. He sent 4 leading Hunters: Ala-sai, Takati Veil, Yushi Rhine, and finally... Connor Scathe. I knew them like family. They left to hunt the dragons down. Months later, one came back; Connor. He had told my mother that they died to a mother Ahamkara. That their sacrifice meant the safety of the city. I was heartbroken, but it didn't stop there...

+ + +
During the late discovery of the Traveler.
Suramae Solrac.

I had felt nothing more than this. The emotional pain of losing someone I had loved as family.

"How did they die?" I ask Connor in a broken voice, drowning in tears. I try to look up at the night sky to stop the tears.

"The mother Ahamkara. We were attempting to seal it into containment," he said. He then started walking towards a shrine building where we enter to honor the Traveler with our prayers. I follow him to ask him a few more things.

"I've already made a proper burial for them. They did not die in vain," he said.

He reaches the front of the wall and faces an orb of Light that communicates with the Traveler. Or at least we believe it does.

"Wait, you were supposed to kill all the dragons. Why did you seal it?" I ask.

"Because there is something I wish to experiment with," he said, closing my eyes.

"Connor, you can't do that. No matter what experiment it is. You could get banned from the village!" I said.

"I'd figure you'd say something like that," he answered. He lifts his right hand to his stomach, holding a red orb that emitted unstable power. So unstable that it was almost visible.

"I contained it in this," he said. "With so much power, anything is possible."

I back up with concern. "Are you... using it on yourself?" I ask with a shaking voice.

"Of course not," he said with a smirk.

I exhale in relief. "Oh, good. I thought you were going to use it for own power. But you should get rid of it before the Speaker sees it."

"Of course," he said once more. "But first. I will start a new creature of my own... Scathe will be satisfied."

"What?" I say. "What are you talking about?"

"Suramae. You are our experiment," he said.

"Experiment? No, you're not doing anything to-"

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