Chapter 6: Round Table

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Crimson's POV
The moment we land in the Tower's hanger, we head straight to the Hall of Guardians and see Raven midway. Raven spots me and walks to me at the end of the stairway.

"The Vanguards," said Raven.

"Right, we need to talk to them," I told her. I look at Raven and ask her what happened back at Phobos.

"I was scouting the aftermath. I had to make sure that it was what I was expecting. Here, take this," she says, tossing the Cabal data plate to me. I catch it and hold on to it.

Raven and I head to the main table, where the Vanguards are always at, and I grab their attention by saying, "Out of all the things I signed up for you guys, gotta say, not a fan of this one."

I tossed the data plate like as if I was summoning, then tossing Nolan. But it spun like a frisbee to the table and lands perfectly at the middle as it turns on, lighting up the hologram of the Dreadnaught.

Cayde stared at it as Zavala looked at me. Ikora was standing at the back window staring out. She had her left hand up beside her head as her right arm supporting her left arm.

"Good work, Crimson," said Zavala. "And Raven, you've returned."

She stares at him with a glaring look. "Why did you send her? I was fine," she said.

"You weren't on comms for 8 hours. We thought something had happened to you," he replied.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know I had to check in, Dad," she scoffed. "We knew her and I since the first week you laid eyes on the Traveler. I'd figure that you'd understand how she works by now."

Zavala sighs in stress and turns to Ikora. "Any luck, Ikora?" He asks in a calm voice.

Ikora turns around and walks to her spot at the table. Raven takes a step back and leans against the wall behind her, closing her eyes with her arms crossed.

I remain standing at the same spot every time I come here; at the top of the small stairs that lead to the table.

"My contacts near Saturn say the weapon fired only once," she said.

Zavala walks slowly near Cayde.

"It's not like the Queen to attack a superior force," he said.

"How could she have known? How could anyone?" Ikora questioned him. "We need a Warlock inside the Dreadnaught."

"Here we go..." Cayde commented.

I quietly snicker in response.

"Our first priority must be to protect the city!" Zavala replies to her. "Crimson got a good look at Phobos. Whatever it was, it turned Cabal against Cabal, wiped out their base in minutes."

Ikora turns away from Zavala and crosses her arms in disagreement.

"How long would we last?" He asks her.

She turns back to him and answers back, "Until we understand what we're dealing with-"

Eris power walks to me from behind and gently pushes me aside as she comes through and says, "Such children," in a whispering, yet growling voice as she passes me.
She shoots her green orb at the Cabal data plate by pushing her hand at it and stops. The whole room lighting went from orange to green

"They, are Taken!" she tells them.

Eris had everyone's attention except Raven. Her eyes remained shut without moving a muscle.

"Eris," said Cayde. "Get your rock, off my map."

At this point it's really hard to hold in my urge to laugh, but I barely hold on to it enough to not burst.

"It hasn't spoken since Crota fell," She says as she walks behind Ikora. "It speaks now, because Oryx has arrived. Come to fulfill the final covenant of his son."

"But, why fight the Cabal?" Ikora asks.

"Not fighting..." Eris replies. "Taking. Controlling their will."

The room's lighting returns to orange again as Cayde picks up Eris's orb. He holds it firmly as he stares at Eris. Eris gives him a disgusting look in response.

"So we focus on his army, kill these Taken until he's all that's left?" Zavala suggests.

"Whatever you kill, Oryx will replace," Eris says.

"The Dreadnaught then," Ikora says quickly. "How do get past that weapon?"

"Without ending up like the Awoken," Zavala reminds us.

"I believe she's our only hope," Eris says, looking at me.

"Always seems to be, huh?" I say.

"You've done a lot for everyone, child, and you deserve more time to yourself than anyone else in this building, but with heroism, comes a great price," she told me.

"Okay, I'll give it a shot I guess," I tell the Vanguards. "But still, how am I going to get to the Dreadnaught?"

The question remains in the air without answer.

"I gotta go... see about a thing," Cayde says in a tone of boredom. He throws the orb freely to Eris and turns towards me, walking away. Eris completely stops the motion of the orb with just a raise of a hand.

"Cayde," Zavala said. "Our discussion is not yet concluded!"

"Oh I know," Cayde replies. "That's why I'm leaving. C'mon, Crimson." He puts his arm on my shoulder as I walk with him.

I turn around as I keep walking and see Eris staring at her orb. What is so interesting about it? If it's that valuable, then it must be important. But not important enough for me to ask.

Cayde and I stop at the stairway and turn to each other.

"Look, only way to stop the Taken is to get you on the Dreadnaught," he whispers.

"Yeah, but how? That weapon is in the way," I say.

"I have a way for you to get there. A stealth drive. That's what'll get you through. I got one hidden in the-"

"Cayde?" Ikora calls him across the hall. "What are you whispering about?"

"Nothing. Nothing!" He answers. "I'll contact you in the Cosmodrome," he whispers turning to me.

+ + +

I went to the new rooms we got because we are Year Two Guardians now. I was excited to see what they rewarded us. They, as in the dorm register, said that we got Exotic Tier class. That's at the top of the Tower, fifty stories high.

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