February 10, 2014

24 0 0
  • Dédié à Keven

Good neeeeeeeews :D

Tooooday was amazing!! First, I woke up at 6 am because I had a class at 8 but when Ivy and I walkedto the class, a girl told us that the teacher was absent! So no French class today.

Since the class was cancelled, Ivy and I went in the cafeteria. Guess what? The cute boy I added on Facebook, Kyle, was there too. You know that feeling you have when you slightly look on his way and notice he was already starring at you? Well that happened like a hundred times!

At 9h30, I went to my locker, upstairs, and took my Anthropology book. When I walked back to the cafeteria, I almost bumped into someone and when I looked up at who it was, I noticed it was Kyle!! He smiled at me and said hi! OMFFFFFGGGGG!

All day long, whenever I passed in front of the Football table, where he was, he always looked at me and smiled.

At 4, in my Anthropology class, I looked at my phone and noticed he liked my photo and poked me on Facebook. I was literally freaking out!! Unfortunately, Gabi wasn’t there.. So I texted her the good new!

When I drove back home, I logged in on Facebook and poked him back, obviously. Then, his icon popped up to tell me he talked to me. OMG.

Okay, this is the best part of the day! He.is.so.sweet. He first said “hi”, then asked about my day!!!!! Then, he said:” Tell me about yourself a bit more (: “ and he asked a couple of random questions about my life!

( Okay! F*ck Nolan… I’m addicted to that Kyle boy )

I won’t sleep tonight, guys…

Goodnight sunshines,



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