February 13, 2014

30 0 0
  • Dédié à Raf

Today, I had a class only at 1 in the afternoon. I woke up at 6 am but stayed in bed until 9. At 9 am, I looked at my phone. Gabriel texted me: Are you at school? I need you to pick me up otherwise I’ll be late for my exam. Sooooo, I quickly got dressed, put on some makeup and left. Gabriel lives 15 minutes away from me house and 25 minutes away from school.

When we arrived at school, Gabriel stayed at the gym while I walked in the cafeteria. I sat at the first table in front of the entrance, just beside the window. I texted Kyle.

Me: When is your first class?

Kyle: At 12 you?

Me: Only at 1… The wait is long.. :(

Kyle: Are you waiting at school all alone? :o

Me: Yeah ahah… I gave Gabriel a ride so I arrived early...

Kyle: Oh! I’ll leave now so I’ll be with you in 30 minutes (:

Me: Alright (: Thanks you

I started my homework while waiting for Kyle. Obviously, my friends arrived before him… Gabriella sat with me, then Stephanie and Greg arrived, then Kyle. Since Stephanie was beside me, Kyle sat beside Gabriella. He stayed with me for three hours, along with Gabriella and Veronica. At 3 pm, Luke joined us and asked if I was ready to go.

Luke and I walked in the Math class. We knew it would be boring as hell. Luke even asked me a couple of times to ditch class together. Most of the time, I laughed and told him to stop but the more he said it, the more I thought he wasn’t joking. During our break, Luke composed a text message to send to his current date. It said something like he didn’t want to wait for her anymore, if she wanted to be with him, fine, he wanted it too but if not, she should tell him now. She never replied.

At work, I received a text message from Luke that said that he wanted me to be his Valentine, that he always found me pretty and interesting and he wanted to date me. REALLY? Come on… I’ve liked him for a long time and he always told me that he was dating someone else… And now that my mind is set on someone else, he wants me? No way.

I explained him that I had a crush on someone else and that I couldn’t date him. He was hurt… and mad… just a little bit.

Then, back home, I opened my MacBook and went on Facebook. I texted Kyle for a while and he said he was watching a movie. Good idea. I went on megashare.info and started to watch PS: I Love You. I only watched 45 minutes of it and I slowly fell asleep…

Goodnight sunshines



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