March 28, 2014

9 0 0
  • Dédié à Kev

I digged my grave.

Lately, a loooooooot of things happened.

first, last week, Mike started to talk to me again, in a club (??????) and basically, he just told me about how he'd be a better boyfriend than Kyle, how he'd treat me super well and how I should be with him. We talked for like......2 hours? And at the end, he pretty much convinced me that he'd be better than Kyle... AND! He asked me to choose NOW between him and Kyle.

I DON'T KNOW WHY! but I chose him... After, I cried cause I thought «omg I just lost Kyle, I won't talk to him ever again! How am I gonna tell him about this? blablabla»

The day after, I texted Mike that I had to take time to forget about Kyle CAUSE I LOVE HIM (I told him so many times).

Every night after this, I cried cause I missed Kyle, I still liked him and I didn't really wanna be with Mike at the moment even though I like him but I felt like if I gave him some time, maybe he could show me how he really is.

Anyways, so I told Kyle about the story, about Mike and everything and he pretty much got mad and decided he wouldn't talk to me anymore... I CRIED EVEN MORE. But, I asked him if I could talk to him for a second and explain him everything and finally, he said that he'd wait for me........:o *o*

While I tried dating Mike, he repeatedly called me a Football slut and a Hockey slut since I had friends in both teams. But, for his defense, everybody told him that! so it was right to think it was true..... stupid.


All this was before tonight...

I arrived at the club and got a text from Kyle asking what I was doing tonight. I told him where I was and asked if he was coming. Then, I received a text from Mike asking if we could talk tonight. I said yes cause I had some things to tell him too.

When he arrived, he was beyond drunk. he couldn't stand on his feet... He managed to walk over to me and asked if we could talk. I told him I wouldn't talk to him if he was that drunk and I preferred to wait but no. We HAD to talk tonight (according to him)

So he asked Samantha to go away (I didn't want her to leave me alone...) Then I told him that I still liked Kyle (for the thousandth time) but I also told him I couldn't forget him. He panicked and yelled at me. everybody was staring at us..... I was scared.

He punched the wall over and over and told me he wanted to kill me.

Then Samantha came over and separated us.

Then! Kyle arrived and hugged me slightly (to avoid everyone's attention).  It actually worked except for Mike, who saw that and ran over us to talk to me. Kyle hugged me and completely ignored what Mike said, which drove him crazy. It wasn't correct to do that and I was really mad at Kyle. Actually, he didn't even do that for me. he just did that to make Mike suffer even more and it broke my heart.

Keven, Kyle's friend, almost punched Mike in the face when Mike dropped his hand on Kyle­.

Seriously, it was just stupid...


The week after, I ignored Mike the best I could. People at school kept asking about what happened Friday night and it was annoying..

On Wednesday night, I saw Kyle but it wasn't crazy... We went to the movies and he didn't touch me once. Then, he wanted to go to the club and once we got there, he just left with his friends and when we drove back home, he got out of the car and smoked weed in the middle of the street... it was....weird...

The day after, I talked to him and asked him what happened and he simply said that he needed some time to think about us.


goodnight sunshines,



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