February 8, 2014

31 0 0
  • Dédié à Mick

Last night, I had 4 hours of sleep… So today I’m tired. Anyway I work from 9 am to 5 pm so it’s relaxing.

In the morning, I talked with my colleagues about Mike and one of them told me to drop him right away… At that precise moment, he texted me about yesterday. He told me that his friend, Connor, who’s my friend too, told him I said he was friend zoned since the beginning. So that’s why he was so pissed off last night. Basically, we talked all day long about our situation to come to this conclusion: it’s finally over… A part of me is happy and released that this is over but the other part is sad because I kind of really liked him at one point… He texted me his goodbye message, here:

So I think it’s time for goodbyes so I could tell you the exact same thing I told you last time on Facebook. You have to know that somewhere out there, there’s someone who can’t sleep at night, who can’t hang out with his friends properly, who can’t date other girls and who can’t wake up happy in the morning. The thing is I didn’t want something big. Actually, I wanted practically nothing… I wanted something simple… I wanted you… You’re such a labyrinth and I’m pissed off that I couldn’t get through it and reach your heart cause my heart claimed it for real and cause when I said you were the one, well I had and I’ll always have only one word! You’re the only one in my entire fucking life that I’d have done absolutely anything for. And so many things happened that we could write a novel about our story, the thing is I don’t like to read… Anyways, I like you, there’s no other words… goodbye

In the evening, Samantha came over and we cooked a delicious meal!! After, we went in my room and listened to some Emblem # and One Direction while snapchatting with friends.

Also, there’s this guy, at school, that I’ve always found really cute. I heard he was single now so I decided to add him on Facebook and he accepted the friend request!! Who knows what will happen next?

Goodnight sunshines,



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