Into You

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Then I got up on the table and started singing I'm so into you in my vision it was better but I just got the plastic spoon and sang out my heart. After the last part, everyone stared at me like I was a freak and I kinda am then I paused like I was paralyzed and got off the table and sat down and I was so embarrassed. Then I said "So now what" As I put my elbow on the table. Then he replied after a few second "well congrats new Ariana Grande" he started laughing and clapping and making me embarrassed again my cheeks were red as the reddest apple ever. Then I went about the rest of my day seeing people talking about me I'm so funny and the coolest person in the entire school even though I really am not just because I can beat people at mostly everything doesn't mean I'm [that] cool well I kinda am (as I think of this I run into this random student I could tell because of his uniform we do have uniforms). Then I looked up this-this guy he's from my-my dream then everything fades as I fall to the ground I could feel someone using their force to pick me up, to be honest that I'm pretty heavy to be a girl. I wake up to being on the bed in the nurse's room is then there he is on a chair confused about what happened. I look his way he looked back at me and I blushed, I got up and said "thank you" then I ran so embarrassedly of what's going on I could hear him saying wait. I stop to the point I was pretty far I mean this school is pretty big for anyone to find a person. I barely needed to breathe because I could run far than this way further since I am part wolf I wasn't supposed to tell anyone or else the hunters that my dad told me about them there gonna catch me and give me to scientist to tear me apart then I broke out of my flashback I rub my ears away because if they find any werewolves here they sent them to room 101 the wolf classroom I just wanna be a regular human of course but there are wolf hunters when we get out of school there gonna kill the wolves that are here like every time I don't even know why they can't have a separate schools but we can't kill anyone in this part of the state even though there's mostly extinct here lately do to death to early to have pups but our blood are pure so we are the strongest type out of there in the entire universe if there's another planet from earth then I don't know. But there trying to find one of are types but now I'm the last of the strongest one I need to find a mate soon a pure blooded wolf I don't know any but I'll try to since they took him away from me and mom they-they took dad away I started crying then he found me I was in the janitors extra closet were some was trusted to have the key and I was one of them I sat in the chair and left my ears and tail the janitor was the only one who knew I was a wolf she was the best friend I had here and she let me have her 2nd room to decorate to a comfortable room for us. I forgot to lock the door then he came in and said "are you ok?" then I seen his ears and tail. I paused and stared at him then said "If you tell anyone about this I will kill you" I gave him deadly eyes. He replied "I didn't know you're a wolf too and fine but how come I never see you in class 101?. I replied, "because the hunters are just gonna kill me...". Then few moments passed then he said "well I'll protect you" I paused and said "I can protect myself but I'm not putting the last kind of my type endangered" He paused to and said, " you mean you're you're the last strongest pure blooded wolf?" I responded "yes and that's why I can't" then he said "like I said I can no have to protect you" Then he reached to me and held me and then used the same force that I felt last time I looked to him with my bulging eyes. "you're the person I need" I said. he said, "I' what?" I said "never mind" I look at what were doing then I pushed him and he fell I took a second to look at him and he looks like this sitting up

 he said, "I' what?" I said "never mind" I look at what were doing then I pushed him and he fell I took a second to look at him and he looks like this sitting up

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He gets up pats his self and pulling his jacket up and then walks out pissed off. " what's his problem" I said mumbling to myself then walked behind him then I rub my ears away and tail and closed and locked the door he waited for me to do that "so?" he said and he licks his lips drooling. then I said "what's up" then he wipes his mouth I look behind me nobody's there he was looking at my then I looked down my buttons must of unbuttoned when I push him my bra was showing I look up and slapped him "you perv" I said mad as I button it up. then he says embarrassed "so what you really look cute and stuff and the choice of black is really interesting especially those types of seductive bras" I replied going down "well they were the only clean ones I really need to do laundry" as I scratch the back my head waying side to side. Then I look at him and smiled and said "well fine were equal". He blush looking away and put his hand on his neck and leaves and I follow.

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