Chapter 1

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"Pony I heard about this awesome fun house. Wanna go?" I asked. "What's so special about it?" he asked. I was walking home from school and it was just me and pony. "They say that the whole month of october there's this special chemical in the air. It makes people feel funny and good." I said smiling at pony. "Where did you hear that?" he asked me. "Jamie told me. She's gonna go tonight but I said that Darry wouldn't let me be out late tonight cause it's a school night." I said walking a little faster than my  big brother. He just looked at me. "Samantha I don't think Darry is gonna let you go to that no matter what day it is." pony said looking at me. "I know that stupid. That's why I ain't gonna tell him." I say. "Who all are you gonna go with?" Pony asked. "Jamie, Dallas, Soda, Steve, and Two-bit. You don't have to go if you don't want to. Just don't tell Darry that were going." I say looking at Pony. "You have been hanging out with dallas a lot." Pony said looking at me. "So," you say looking towards my house. "So you're starting to act like him," Pony said. "What's so bad about that? Dallas is awesome." I say walking a little faster than Pony. "No he's not Samantha. You just feel like you need to look up to him." pony said raising his voice at me. "Pony, Dallas is better than what you'll ever be man. Dallas can teach me things. I got a lot of homework." I say running to the house.
Pony knew he had pushed the wrong button and took off after me. "Samantha wait. Why are you so touchy? It's not like you have a crush on Dallas or anything." Pony said catching up to me. "I told you Pony, I have a lot of homework now leave me alone." I say  walking into the house and running up to my room.
"What wrong with her?" Darry asked as i took off up the stairs mumbling some other words that they couldn't hear. "I don't know. I was talking to her about something and she flew off the handle" Pony said sitting down on the couch. "I'll go try and talk to her." Soda said, taking off up the stairs to my room. I could always tell him anything. I never did, though, cause then he would tell Darry and Pony.
"Samantha. You alright?" Soda said knocking on my bedroom door. "Can I come in?" Soda asked. "Are you alone?" I asked. "Yeah I'm by myself." he said. "Alright you can come in then." I said getting up and unlocking the door. He came in and sat down on the edge of my  bed. "Samantha what's wrong?" Soda asked me. "It's just something stupid. Today has just been a bad day at school then on the way home Pony made me mad. That's all." I said holding back tears. "What happened Sam?" soda asked. "I just got a really bad grade on a really important test and then me and Cherry got into a fight. See just drama." I said thinking at how stupid it is. "That's not stupid" Soda said. "Yeah it is stupid." I said, thinking about how i was over reacting. "Samantha I think there is something bigger going on. So do you wanna tell me, or do I need to call Jamie." Soda said with a grin cause that always got me  to talk. "Fine. Pony was saying how bad my decisions are and that I'm spending too much time around Dal." I said getting irritated at Pony. "What bad decisions are you making?" Soda asked you. "The fun house and not studying for that dumb test. The teacher wants Pony to help me study for a retest." I say. "The funhouse is not a bad thing Sam. We are all gonna go to that. At least the teacher is gonna give you a retest. I'll help you study if it makes you feel better sis." Soda said. "Yeah I guess. I want some cake. Can you bring me some?" I asked soda. "Nope you have to go get it yourself." soda said with grin. "Fine. I will after I change," i said as Soda got up and walked out the door. I changed out of my  school clothes and put on some jeans with rips and a shirt that steve gave me. Then I  walked out the door and down the stairs where I was immediately picked up and being tickled. "Stop stop stop!" I screamed to my brothers. "No way little sis." Darry said tickling me. "I just wanted to get some cake," I  said in between laughs. My brothers just laughed harder and harder. "Help!" I yelled to which ever one of the guys that walked in. The problem was it was Steve, Two-bit, and dallas. None of them were going to help me they joined in on the tickle fight. I  threw a punch and hit Pony in the nose. He fell back and the guys just laughed harder and harder as I  tried to fight back.
Finally they put me down.
"Why didn't you help me Dally?" I  asked. "It looked like fun," Dallas said. "Not to me. I stopped liking being tickled after I turned 15." I said. "Samantha you turned 15 three weeks ago" steve said grinning. "I know that but I don't like being tickled." I  said folding my arms. "Samantha what are you doing tonight?" Dal asked me. "I didn't have anything planned what do you have in mind?" I said to him. "Maybe going to the movies or the dingo or something. You wanna go?" Dal asked me. "Sure" I  said, but were quickly cut off by Darry. "Samantha, Pony said your teacher wanted him to help you study for a retest." he said. "Darry the test is friday and Ponyboy Michael Curtis, stop telling him stuff. I don't want Darry to know that I failed a test. It's like the third one in a row," I  said before walking over and sitting by Two-bit watching tv. "Samantha did you just say that it was the third test you failed?" Darry asked you. "Yeah," I  said afraid of what was gonna happen next. "What class?" he asked. "History." "Is it hard for you?" Darry asked. "A little. I mean I just can't wrap my head around some of the stuff they are trying to teach me," i said feeling really stupid. "What are they teaching you?" Darry asked coming and sitting down beside me. "We are learning about slavery. It's a really interesting topic to me but it's just kinda hard at the same time." I said. "What did the slave owners do if they tried to escape?" darry asked. "The ones that did try to escape and got caught were beaten to death or hung but it was always done where all the other slaves could see so that they were all too scared to try and escape." I said. Darry smiled which meant i got it right. "Good job Samantha. Now what did they try and escape on?" darry asked. "The Underground Railroad. One of the major conductors was Harriet Tubman. At first several plantation owners thought she was a man." I said feeling a little more confident in me answer. "That's right, all of it was. So now why are you not doing so good on the test Sam?" Darry said. "I don't know why I don't do good on the tests, ask the teacher." I  say taking a bite of Dallas's cake. "Hey that's my cake." Dal said holding the plate away from me. "So," i said. "I wanna go to the dingo or a movie or something." I said to nobody in particular. "Go get your jacket and I'll take you." Dal said eating the last bite of his cake. "Yay," i said running upstairs to go get my  jacket.
"Dal why do you give her everything she wants?" pony asked. "I don't give her everything she wants. I was just getting ready to go to the dingo then the park anyway." Dal said. "Sure that's it." Two-bit said with a goofy grin. "What, man?" Dal asked. "Nothing" all the guys said with a grin.
"Question: jean or leather jacket?" I asked walking back downstairs and holding the two jackets up. "Leather." "Thanks Dal." I said, running upstairs to go put up my jean jacket. "Ok so what did I miss?" I asked walking back down the stairs. "We were just saying that you must be in really good shape from going up and down those stairs fifty million times a day." Steve said with a grin. "Oh those stairs are nothing," i said pulling on my jacket. "Why do I not believe that?" darry asked. "How would you know you never go up them." I said.
"Hey is it alright if Jamie stays over here friday night?" I asked Darry. "Yeah. Both of you have tried to get her mom to let her stay over here for years how come she is finally agreeing?" darry asked. "Not really... Her parents are going out of town for the weekend and since Jamie is getting older she let her pick where she gets to stay. Her mom isn't crazy about it, but she is still letting her come over." I said. "Wait Jamie has never stayed over here?" Steve asked. "No, she comes over all the time but her mom thinks we're at the park or something," i say. "Why does her mom not like her coming over here?" Soda asked. "Her mom says I'm selling myself to guys or something. I don't know. Her mom has never really been crazy about me anyway." I said putting my shoes on to walk out the door. "I didn't know that" Darry said. "I'm not supposed to either. Jamie tells me everything her mom says about me because she wants me to know why her mom don't let her stay and stuff." I said playing it off cool. "Her mom is mean." Pony said. "How would you know?" Darry asked. "I walked Jamie home one time and her mom came running out of the house with a broom, said if she ever seen me around her daughter again, she would hit me with the broom." Pony said the rest of the gang laughed. I laughed so hard i almost fell to the floor. "You never told me about that," I  said laughing as hard as i could. "Come on Samantha if we are ever going to get to the Dingo." Dal said pulling me  out the door. "Did Jamie say she was going to that fun house tonight?" Dal asked as soon as we were out of earshot of the house. "Yeah she wanted to see what it's like just so she knows what to expect friday night." I  said looking where I was walking. "Yeah. Want a light?" Dally asked me. "Thanks Dal. Darry doesn't know I smoke. He would kill me if he found out and you wouldn't be in to good of shape either. But I don't really care." I said taking the lighted cigarette from Dallas. "Why he lets Pony smoke." Dal said taking a puff of his cigarette. "He told me that he'd skin me if he ever caught me smoking." I said. "Well, he doesn't have to know." Dal said with a grin.
We walked into the dingo and got some ice cream and went to the park. The guys were there. That seemed strange to me , but at the age I was, everything seemed strange to me. I quickly put out the cigarette that I  had before anyone else seen that I  had one. Soda and steve were the first ones to see us. "Whats up?" Soda said cocking an eyebrow like he knew something was up. "Nothing." Dal said. Then i seen why they were acting so suspicious. Jamie was with them. she had just come from the fun house. She was laughing like a hyena. "Hey Jamie how was the fun house?" I asked. "Good. It makes me feel great." Jamie said smiling at you and Dal. "She's high ain't she." I  asked Dal. "Yup." he said. I  had seen Jamie high one other time and she blabbed about something her little sister did to her mother. "What has she said?" I asked Soda as i pulled him aside. "She stated the obvious. That you like Dallas." he said with a smirk. "Great I gotta get her outta here before she tells him. And any of you guys tell Dal, y'all are in trouble got it?" I said to Soda. "Got it" he replied. "Good." I said walking over to jamie. "Come on let's get you back to my house where you can't tell any more of my secrets." I said pulling her all the way back to my house and upstairs to my  room.
"I was having fun." Jamie said. "I wouldn't if you blabbed my biggest secret to the person it's about," i said smacking her with a pillow. "Hey what was that for," Jamie said, laughing even more. "You told the guys man. Stay here smoke a cigg and I'll be back with some coffee man." I said walking down stairs. The guys walked in as i hit the last step. They all had a smile on their faces. Even dal. "Whats up guys?" I  said with a smile. "I know your secret." Dal said with a smile. "Wha-what's that?" I asked getting more nervous by the second. He just laughed and walked over to me. "Stop it. i have to make some coffee and see if I can get my friend back into the right state of mind. I really need a smoke man." I said fixing the coffee. "Come on man, chill. All I know is that you like books." dal said. "Oh thank god. That's not even a huge secret." I said with a sigh. "What else would your big secret be?" Dal asked. "Nothing... At. All." I said giving the rest of the laughing guys a death stare. "I have to go give this to Jamie." I said filling a cup of coffee and putting sugar in it. Then I  filled another one with tea and put a little bit of rum in it. The guys watched me  do this. "DTD" i said walking up the stairs. "What does that mean?" Steve asked. "Don't tell darry." Pony and Soda said in unison. They all laughed at that knowing that i must tell my brothers that a lot.
"Here Jamie" i said handing her the cup of coffee. She was starting to calm down. "Thanks" she said taking a sip of coffee. "What did I tell the guys?" jamie asked. "My secrets." I said looking at her. "Oh, god...Did I tell them about the Dal thing?" I slowly shook my head yes. "Does Dal know?" Jamie asked. "I don't think so" i said taking a sip of my  tea. "Sorry," Jamie said. "It's ok you didn't know what you were doing. So what was the fun house like." I said feeling better every sip i took of my  tea. "It was crazy and i loved it. You and the guys will love it." Jamie said. "You still plan on going right?" I asked. "Yeah.Did darry say that i could stay here friday night?" she said taking a sip of her coffee. "Yeah he said you can stay. Not that I want you gone or anything, but what time did your mom say you had to be back home?" I said looking at the clock. "Dang it. I'm supposed to be home right now" she said looking at the clock herself. "I'll have Soda drive you home." I said running down the stairs to tell him. "Ok. He just needs to drop me off down the block where mom can't see me." she said grabbing her jacket and jumping down the steps.
"SODA!!!" I yelled. "Yes Samantha." he said. "I need you to drive jamie home. Drop her off down the block where her mom don't see the truck please." I said hoping he wouldn't give me any trouble. "Why would I do that?" he asked. "Because you love me and I know stuff." I said smiling at him. "Alright" he said getting up, the rest of the guys laughing or "oohhh"-ing. "Bye Jamie. I'm going back to my room," i said walking up the stairs.
"Why don't you stay here with us and play a game or something?" dal asked, looking me. "Because I'm busy I don't know. What game would you wanna play if I did stay down here anyway?" I asked, almost knowing the answer. "How do you not know if you're busy?" pony awondered. "I don't know!" I said getting irritated at Pony. "Truth or Dare" Dal said. "You know what, Dal...Let me go get my tea and we'll play a game of Truth or Dare," i said walking up the steps. "Sounds good" he said with a smile on his face. "How did you manage that?" I heard Steve ask him. "I went with it. You saw what she put in her tea. She's in a yes mood." he said with a smirk. "No I ain't either Dal." I said walking back down the steps. The guys laughed cause he had been caught. "Are you sure about that?" he said. "Whatever let's just play the game." I  said sitting down next to dal.
"Ok Dal since it was your idea you go first." I said drinking more of my  tea. "Ok my first question will go to samantha." dal said smiling. "Truth or dare?" Dal continued. "Truth." I said thinking about what dallas would have had me do if i said dare. "Ok. Do you like one of the gang?" dal asked with a smirk on his face. I was  so bad at lying and I  really did not wanna answer but I  did. "Yes." I  said putting my head down. Ohhs and awws escaped the five boys who were in the living room causing me  to blush. "Ok Sam, now your turn." dal said smiling. "Ok. lets see." I said with a devilish smile.
"TWO-BIT! TRUTH OR DARE?" I said. "Dare." he said not even thinking about it. "Your funeral." I said laughing so hard. "I dare you to go climb the highest tree in the yard," i said smiling. To my surprise he climbed the tree without killing himself on the way up or down. The rest of the guys took turns then it was back to dallas and he picked me again. "Ok Samantha truth or dare" he asked. I had already drunk most of my tea which made me a little tipsy but not enough to tell. I  knew what he would have thrown at me sure enough if i picked truth but i also was not a big fan of what i figured he was gonna do for dare either. "Dare." I  said after a moment's hesitation. "Geez sam why ya acting so scared?" dallas asked before dishing out my punishment. "Oh i don't know dal what you got in mind for me." I said right back at him. "Well lets see. I dare you to kiss me." dal said with a smirk on his face. Ohhs and awws escaped the guys cause they knew that i liked dal. He leaned over to me and just about the time mine and dallas lips touched darry and soda walked through the door. "Samantha Julie Curtis! Dallas Tucker Winston! What are you two doing?" darry yelled making us both jump. "We were uh playing truth or dare." dal said trying to explain. "Who came up with the idea for you two to kiss?" darry asked. "Mine" dal said looking away from darry. "Samantha go to your room. I will be up there in few minutes to talk to you." darry said. I ran up to my room with tears in my eyes. I  had a killer headache from stressing over jamie telling the guys my  secret then darry finding me and Dallas about to kiss. I changed into my pajamas. Mickey mouse fuzzy pants with a black tank top. Then came a knock on the door. "Come in." I  said not really wanting to face darry at the moment. Instead it was soda and steve. "I thought darry was coming to talk to me." I said shocked that it was steve and soda. "Well darry said that we were better at getting you to talk and he went on a walk with dallas so i dont know." soda said looking down at the ground. "Ok so what are you going to say that i don't already know huh?" I asked. "Samantha there's a lot you don't know." Soda said looking back at me. "Like what soda?" I asked. "Tons" Steve said. "Samantha listen. When you were born Darry, Pony and I. along with the rest of the gang promised to protect you no matter what. As you got older we realized that there were things we couldn't protect you from. It was really hard on us all when mom and dad died to. Darry had to step up and take care of not only me and Pony but you too." Soda said sitting down on the bed beside me. "Yeah. so what does any of that have to do with what we are talking about right now?" I asked soda. "Well we realized that you are growing up to be a beautiful young women."soda said while I  sat there and listened. "We then all figured out that we can't keep you from growing up. Like we really wanted to." steve said sitting down on the other side of me. "So." I  said. "We also learned that you weren't always gonna follow the rules." soda continued. "And that you eventually get caught playing truth or dare with dallas winston." Soda said. "Well i wasn't the only one that was playing and it could have been stopped at anytime." I said thinking about the game. "Yeah. no comment on that one." steve said. "Yeah why did you pick dare that time anyway you usually pick truth." steve asked me. "Well after dal asked me if i liked one of the gang i knew it would be over if i picked truth." I  said putting quotes on liked. "You are pretty smart." soda said a smile on his face. "Alright i don't know when darry and what's left of dal will get back so you can come downstairs and eat some cake or whatever." soda said. Him and steve getting up to walk towards. "Ok i'll be down in a sec." i said. My  phone rang as soon as soda closed the door. "Hello" i said. "Hey sam. Sorry about earlier." Jamie said. "It's ok. I think he knows anyway." I said with a laugh in my  voice. "Why do you think that?" Jamie asked. "After you left i told the guys i was gonna back upstairs and dal was like why do you always stay up in your room and stuff. And i'm like i don't know i'm busy and stuff. Then he's like stay down here and play a game with us or something. And i said what game do you wanna play to see if i wanted to go back upstairs and he was like truth or dare. So i'm like ok i'll play. Cause i'm no chicken right. So first he asked me if l like one of the gang. Then next time he picked me i took dare and he dared me to kiss him." I  said. At that jamie gasped. "I know right. And when we were about to kiss darry and soda both walked in." I  said. "Are you serious?" jamie asked. "Yes." I  said. "Hey look i gotta go. I'll talk to ya tomorrow at school ok." jamie said. "Ok bye." I said before hanging up the phone and walking down the stairs. "Who called?" pony asked. "Who do you think?" I asked. "Jamie" they all said in unison. "Yeah. soda bring me some cake please." I said leaning over onto steve. "Why?" soda asked. "Because i want some cake." I said. "Ok" soda said getting me the cake. "Thank you" i said taking the cake from soda as he handed it to me. "Hey sam when are you going to study for that test?" pony asked me. "When i feel like it." I said making the whole gang go silent. "Sam. The test is tomorrow and darry will probably make you go to bed as soon as he gets back." pony said. "Pony shut up." the guys started to say to pony. "Pony. This my life. My grades I honestly don't care anymore. I used to be now not so much. I may just drop out of school. I would be happier doing that. I'm too stupid to anyway." I said standing up. "Sam you're in honors classes." pony said. "Yeah well i'm failing all of those so it's not important anyway if i drop out. I would be more than happy to work at a gas station like soda for the rest of my life. Unlike you i love this place pony. And all you can think about is getting out of here. You think that i want out of here just because i'm a girl but i don't pony." I yelled running back upstairs to my room. I hear the guys yelling at pony downstairs. Then there was knock at the door. "Who is it?" I say. "Its johnny." the person at the door says. "Ok come in." I said. Johnny opened the door and looked around. "Wow this room has changed a lot since I was up here last." he said walking over to me  and sitting on the bed. "Yeah. darry said i could do whatever i wanted so i went with this." I said looking at my blue walls covered in posters of my favorite singers and actors. My favorite actor was paul newman. Pony gave me the poster for my birthday. It was the only thing pony and I  even agreed on. We both loved to watch his movies. "So Samantha . What did pony do to irritate you so bad?" johnny asked. I sat there for a second and thought. U really wouldn't tell anyone else in the gang but johnny. I had always told johnny what was bothering me. "Nothing important really. Pony has just been really annoying me lately. If he finds any way to annoy me he will." I  said to johnny. "Yeah I can see where you get that." he said still looking at all the posters on my  wall. "Why does he do it johnny?" I  ask. "Cause he knows it bugs you i guess. He is just being a little brother he wants the best for you and sometimes he bugs you when he does it though." johnny said. "Oh." I said thinking about it. "Sam i'm looking at all these posters and ain't got a clue who one of them is." johnny said looking back at me. "Well this one is paul newman. He's my favorite." I said pointing out the paul newman poster. I then went on to tell him who every single person on that wall was and something about them. It took a while. "How do you know all this stuff Samantha?" Johnny asked me. "Well I have watched all the movies with actors or listen to the songs that they sing." I  say. "Wow. Hey you have something that I can help you study for that test with" Johnny said after a few minutes.  "Yeah." I said grabbing a book off of my  desk. "You want me to help you to study?" Johnny asked. "Sure just let me go get some more tea." I  said getting up and walking downstairs. "You seem in a good mood." Soda said. "Yeah Johnny is gonna help me study. And my mood varies on what y'all say so watch it." I said giving them a death stare. "So what are you doing now?" Pony asked. "Getting some more tea." I said fixing my tea. "What is up with you and that tea?" Two bit asked. "What's with you and beer?" I  asked him. "That ain't right now Sam." Two said. "Sure it ain't" i  said mixing my tea concoction. "But seriously why do you like that tea so much." Steve asked me. "It's just good. There's something calming about it to me. I dont know." I  said taking a sip of tea. "Go back upstairs and study." Soda said throwing his hand up in the air. "Ok" I  said with a laugh. "Ok Johnny let's see." I said opening the book. "Here let me ask you some questions" Johnny said with a smile. "How come your always so nice even when things aren't going your way?" I asked. "Well it's just the way I am I guess i don't really know." Johnny said with a smile. "Ok let's see." Johnny said with a smile taking the book from me. We  sat there and studied for a few hours when soda came up. "Hey sam you really need to go to sleep now. Thanks for helping her Johnny." Soda said while walking into the room.  But to soda's surprise I was  already cuddled up to Johnny on the bed asleep. "I guess their all studied out." Soda said laughing to himself. He shut the lights off and closed the door.

Hey guys it's back!!!!!! I decided to bring this story back. Thanks so much for reading. I'm really sorry that I took it down in the first place. Please comment and tell me what y'all think. Bye for now!!!
Stay gold

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