Chapter 11

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Ingot up about the same time as always even though I wasn't going to school. I  walked downstairs where the house was stirring with life. Steve was on the couch with cake. Soda was getting out of the shower wearing a towel. "Soda get some cloths on. Jamie will be over any minute." I yelled at him making the guys laugh. "How do you know she's gonna be here any minute?" Pony asked. "Because I already talked to her. She wanted to talk to me before school." I said. "Sam go get dressed your going to the Dx with Soda and Steve." Darry said. "Send Jamie up when she gets here." In said walking back up to my room. I put on a black pair of shorts, a blue tube top that looked like a bandanna, a leather jacket, and a pair of blue heeled sandals. I pulled my up into a high ponytail. I  put on bright red lipstick, blue eyeshadow and black eyeliner. I  am Dallas's girl and I was gonna look it. As I was  looking in the mirror Jamie walked in. "Hey Jamie what's up." Insaid still looking in the mirror. "This." She said lifting up her sleeve to show a tattoo. The tattoo was small but it said life with a feather under neath it. "Where did you get the tattoo?" I asked Jamie. "My brother did it. He can do one for you if ya want." Jamie said with a smile. "That would be fun when can he do it." I asked. "He is in his tattoo shop. He will be there all day. He knows you.  He will do it for free." Jamie said. "Cool. I will try to go if I get the chance before you get out of school. If not I will go with you after school." I said. "Cool. Do you want me to get your stuff out of your and Matts locker?" Jamie asked. "Yeah just put it in a bag or what ever. Matt will tell you what's mine." Ibtold Jamie walking down the stairs. "Come on Sam we are gonna be late!" Soda said. "Sorry I was getting ready." I said stepping off the last step. "Me and Jamie got to get to school." Pony said walking out the door. "Jamie meet me at lunch and we can go do that thing." I said to Jamie before pony pulled her out the door. "What thing?" Darry asked. "Going over to dingo. One of the waitresses have something to give her." I said. Darry nodded his head then soda pulled me out the door. soda Steve and me had to walk to the dx. "Sam I know that you and Jamie ain't going over to the dingo. Where ya going?" Soda said when he was sure Darry couldn't hear him. "We're not gonna go rob a store or anything. Relax Soda." I said. "Sam I'm not gonna relax. Your killing me and Darry Sam. You have been acting worse then usual." Soda said. Steve really don't know what to say. "Listen soda how did you know that we aren't going to the dingo?" I asked. "Because I know you. Why do you keep lying to us? Is there something going on with you that you can't tell us? Because you know you can tell us anything." Soda said. "I know Soda. If there was something going on I would tell you but there is nothing going on that you have to worry about." I told Soda. "Sam. Why did you dress like that today?" Soda asked finally looking at what I was wearing. "Why is there something wrong with it. I know I need to go shopping." I said. "No but it's just kinda I don't know how to explain it." Soda said. "Hot." Steve said finding the words for Soda. "Not the words I was looking for especially coming out of my best friends mouth. But that's whats wrong with it." Soda said. "Thanks Steve that's what I was going for." I said making Steve and i both laugh. "Hey sweetheart what are you doing with these two greasers why don't you come with us." A husky rough voice said coming up behind me. soda Steve and I turned around to see who it was. It was bob and randy with a few of their friends. "Give me a smoke." Soda said. Steve gave Soda a cigarette. I got one out of my pocket and began to smoke it. "Whoa your the girl who hit cherry." Bob said. "You bet I'm the girl who hit cherry. I can hit both of you two if ya want." I said cooly. "No. I think you will just come with us." Randy said. I punched them both at the same time. They fell back hitting the ground. Their friends came towards me when Soda and Steve knocked them out. Soda and Steve were on the ground wrestling around with bob's friends. When him and randy got up. They both came at me. I then heard dals voice behind them. "Lay a hand on my girl I'll kill you both." Dal said. They both took off running and so did their friends. "Thanks dal" i said running up and kissing him. Soda and Steve stood there with their mouths open to stunned to speak or even think about work.

Hey y'all I'm so happy! I have some great ideas for this story. So I'm gonna try and update as much as possible. Don't 4get 2 comment. I love hearing from y'all. That's all for now. Thanks again so much for reading. Bye 4 now.

Stay gold

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