Chapter 19

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I woke up at about 2 A.M. Dal must have carried me up to my room. My hair was down. Soda must have took it down, because he knows i never go to bed with it up. I got up and walked downstairs to find something to drink. I walked downstairs and got a glass of water. No one was in the living room so you figured they all went home, probably the first time since i got jumped. I  walked back upstairs and quickly fell asleep. I woke up to soda and pony tickling me. "Stop. I wanna sleep." I said pushing them away. They kept ticking me. "No way little sis. Darry's making food and says you need to eat." Soda said with a smile. "Just bring it up to me. I want to sleep." I grumbled putting my pillow over my head. "Dal is downstairs." Pony said with a laugh. "I'll be there in five minutes!" I said. They both laughed and walked downstairs. I ran to my  closet and grabbed a black tight fitting tank top. Then walked over to my drawer and grabbed a pair of black leather pants. I  walked Into the bathroom and put them on. I walked out of the bathroom brushing my  hair. I pulled it up into a tight ponytail. I grabbed my  grease and put some of that on. I found a black pair of boots put them on then walked downstairs. "She's up!!" Two-bit yelled playfully. "And she looks mean!" Steve said with a grin. "I could be." I said with a sly smile. "I don't think ya look mean I think ya look good. You just need one more thing." Dal said taking off his Christopher and putting it on my neck. I looked up at him. He smiled and kissed me. "Other people are here to!" Two-bit yelled causing us to break the kiss. "Good for you." Dal said with a smirk. Jamie walked in the door. "Hey Sam." She told me. "Yeah Jamie." I said like a question. "There's something at the park that you need to see." Jamie said. I thought she was crazy but after looking at her i realized that she looked like she had seen a ghost. "What is it?" I asked her. She didn't answer she just dragged me out the door. She dragged me all the way to the park to a scene that i never wanted to see. Matt was laying on the ground in a puddle of his own blood. I just about puked. Cops were already taking care of his body. Jamie and I just stood there watching. They finally covered up his body with a white cloth that the blood slowly started seeping through. One of the cops came over to talk us. "Hello girls. I'm officer Smith. Do you girls know that boy?" He asked. "Yeah. He was a good friend of ours. What happened?" I finally managed to say holding back tears. "We really don't know young lady. What was his name?" He asked. "Matt Boggs." Jamie chocked out. By that time both of us  were shacking. "What's your names?" Officer smith asked. "Samantha Curtis." I said barely getting the words out of my mouth. "Jamie brooks." Jamie said quickly. "Say Samantha do you have a brother named Darrel goes by Darry?" Officer smith asked. "Yes sir that's my big brother." I told him. "Do you girls want a ride home? I don't want you girls to be by yourselves. "No thanks. We better be getting back." Jamie said. He just tipped his hat as if to say ok as we both walked off. Jamie got a cigarette and handed me  one after she lit it. It calmed my nerves a little bit. "How did you know that he was there?" I asked Jamie. "I saw him on my way over here." She said coldly. We put out our cigarettes and walked into the house. We sat down on the couch together and  burst into tears. The guys stopped what they were doing and tried to figure out what was wrong. Nothing helped. Nothing they could do or say changed anything.

Hey y'all thanks 4 reading. Comment and tell me what y'all think.

Stay gold

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