Chapter 21

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I slowly slid the sharp end of the razor blade across my wrists watching the bright red warm blood run down my arms. I felt better with every cut. I hated what I was doing but it was just a way to stop the pain for now. I had been through so much in my life yet came out of it all with a bright smile. Not this time.  Tears slid down my face. My cry was so silent that no one in the house heard it. But to me the cry was loud enough that Matt himself could have heard it. I have lost so many important people and things in my life already that i couldn't take it. Everyone had a snapping point and I had just reached mine. Nothing else mattered. I was in my own little world of self pity. When something snapped me out of it. Someone was pounding on my bedroom door. "Sam open up!!" It was Johnny. "Sam come on I need to talk to you!!" He yelled. "Just a second!"i yelled back. I frantically ran around the room. I grabbed two towels, wrapped them around my arms, and grabbed the first long sleeved thing i could find. Thankfully it was one of Darry's old jackets that i took from him. I opened the door. Johnny was standing there with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He walked in. Closed the door behind him. He still looked scared but there was something else that I had never seen in his eyes before. I just couldn't place it. "Sam listen to me. I know what was in that match box and it's been driving me insane since I seen them." Johnny said. "And?" I demanded. I was shocked at the way it came out but I had already been through a lot in these past few hours.  "Sam don't do it." He said. It was almost a cry for help. When he said it echoed throughout my entire body. It went right to my soul. I swallowed hard before i spoke. "What..... what are you talking about?" I chocked out. "Don't hurt yourself." He said. "Why would I do that?" I asked. "Because you have been through to much to not even think about it." Johnny said. He was now looking at the jacket i had on. "Sam. Take off the jacket." Johnny ordered. "What?" I asked. "Take off the jacket." Johnny said again. I slowly slid the jacket off. Johnny walked over and unwrapped the towels. He looked at my arms for a minute. "Sam why. Why did you do this?" He asked. All i simply said was "the strong can only be strong for so long." Johnny ran out of the room. He looked like he was gonna cry. I then heard the guys ask him what was wrong and then the door slam shut.

Hey y'all thanks for reading. Please comment and tell me what y'all think. I love hearing from you guys. I will update soon. Thanks again so much for reading. That's all for now!! Bye for now!!!

Stay gold

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