Chapter 32

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When we walked in Darry went to the front desk to check me in. Johnny and I sat down. I was so worried. Johnny knew it. "Sam it will all be ok." Johnny told me. "I know it would just be a whole lot better if dal was with me. That reminds me you and I need to talk later." I said. Johnny just nodded his head. Darry walked over and sat down beside me. "You ready sam?" He asked. "As ready as I'll ever be." I said. A lady walked into the waiting room and said that the therapist was ready for me. I followed the lady back to a room that was small. The vibe the room gave off made me uncomfortable. The lady told me to sit down on the couch that was in the room. The room had a comfortable vibe. I wasn't used to that.  It made me feel like I needed to run. I immediately went into fight or flight mode.  I was a little cagey already but this just made it worse. After a few minutes a lady walked in. She was about Darry's age which made me feel a little bit better. "Hi I'm Mrs. Amber Borden. Call me Amber." She said with a smile. "Samantha Curtis. You can call me Sam." I said. "Nice to meet you Sam. I talked to your brother and boyfriend the other day. They had so many good things to say about you." Amber said with a smile. "Yea my brothers and friends always have something good to say about me. I hate that." I said. "Why do you hate that?" Amber asked.  "Because people like to make me sound better than what I am. I'm a hood. A JD. Not a good girl like a lot of people like to make me out to be." I said. "Tell me about your parents." Amber said trying to change the subject. "Their dead." I said getting kinda quiet. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know. Your brother and boyfriend didn't say anything about it." She said. "We don't really tell people. Because they will feel sorry for us." I said.  "And you don't like that?" She asked. "No, I don't want people to think that I'm soft.  I need to be seen as hard as brick. I'm not the person to get on my knees and beg.  Im the person who will fight not beg." I said. "I see." Amber said getting quite for a minute. "I have met a lot of young people like you. Some of them I got to just in time and others...others I got to too late." She said biting her lip. "What time did you get to me?" I asked.  "I don't know yet." She said. "Let me see your wrists." Amber said after a moments silence. I hesitatingly rolled up my sleeves. She looked at them for a second. "Why did you do it?" She asked. "Everyone asks why I do things and I say why not." I told her. "Sam come on. Stop this act. I know kids like you. I was a kid like you. I know you are scared. You are afraid that the next turn you make will be the wrong one. You are afraid to let anyone get close to you. You are afraid that if you do they will destroy all the trust and hope and any other feeling or emotion you have left. You have been hurt before and are afraid for it to happen again." She said.  "Your wrong. No one has ever hurt me like that. They have all died before they could. Anyone I had even been remotely close got or killed in some accident or got jumped just because he was walking by himself." I said tears starting to come to my eyes. I quickly brushed them away.  "What do you mean?" Amber asked. "I mean my parents died in a stupid car accident when I was only thirteen and then one of my closest friends got killed by my best friends brother!" I said starting to raise my voice. I was done with amber and I am not gonna come back as long as I have something to say about it. "Can we be done now?" I asked impatiently. "Yea for today but i want to see you back here tomorrow." Amber said. "Did your brother bring you?" She asked. "Yea." I said. "I wanna talk to him." She said. "Come with me." She said. I followed. We walked back to the waiting room. I walked right over to Johnny and Amber started talking to Darry. They walked back into the hallway I just walked out of. Johnny could tell I wasn't happy. My emerald green eyes were on fire. After a few minutes Darry walked back out. He said goodbye to Amber then we left. "How was it Sam?" Darry asked when we got in the truck. "I don't wanna go back." I said. "What do you mean you don't wanna go back?" He asked me.  "Because she makes me mad. She thinks she can get inside my head, but she can't. No one can if I don't want them to no one can touch let alone get inside my head!!" I yelled starting to raise my voice. "She is trying to help you Samantha!! She is not gonna hurt you I promise!!" Darry said also raising his voice. Johnny didn't say a word. we were pulling in the driveway as Darry finished his sentence. I had my seat belt unbuckled when we hit the drive. Steve had his car here. He was gonna take me to the drag tonight. Before Darry could stop the truck I was jumping over Johnny and had the door open and got out of the truck.  I ran inside. "Hey Sam how was the therapist appointment?" Pony asked. "Don't really wanna talk about it." I said in a huff. I went straight to the kitchen and got me tea and cake.  Darry went into his room to get ready to go out with some friends. Johnny walked in and was almost scared. "Sam you gonna be alright to come to the drag tonight?" Steve asked. "Of course I am." I said with a smirk. "Sam!" Darry yelled. He was in his room. "Yea Dar." I said walking into his room. "Which shirt?" He asked. He was holding up two shirts. A black t-shirt and a white button up that reminded me of one of sodas flannels. "That one." I said pointing at the black t-shirt. Then he held up to pair of pants. A pair of jeans and another pair of jeans. One was darker and one was lighter. I pointed to the lighter jeans. "Thanks Sam." He said as I walked out the door. I nodded my head as I walked out of his room and back into the living room. "Sam we are gonna leave as soon as Darry does so go get changed if ya need to." Steve said. "I need to go fix my makeup up.  Johnny I need to talk to you. Come with me." I said. Steve nodded his head and Johnny followed me. I really didn't even what to do what I was gonna do but I had to.

Hey y'all sry it took me so long to update this. I have been so busy and had a really hard time finding a stopping point. So please comment and tell me what y'all think. I'll update soon. Bye 4 now!!!!
Stay gold

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