Chapter 25

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Johnny POV

I still can't believe Sam even cut herself. I don't want that to happen to her. Soda and I used to cut and that was just horrible. We did it cause our better judgment was clouded by grief and self pity. I feel really bad about telling the guys about what Sam has been doing but I didn't want to see any of that happen to her. After I heard her talking though i think I'm a little glad that I told them. I don't know if I could have lived if she died. No one knows but she is my world. Her smile makes me happier than anything ever has. I have wanted her to be my girl for the longest time but I knew that Darry and soda didn't want her to date anyone from the gang. We all knew she was into dal though. I guess that girls like her go for guys like dal not guys like me. I was just hoping. She loves me but not like I love her. The happiest night of my life was when I was in her room helping her study and we fell asleep. We didn't do anything but study. But that didn't matter to me. I was with her. I love her with all my heart but she loves me no more than she does Steve or two-bit. While I was thinking all of this and trying to keep dal from going insane soda walked in. By himself. He looked beaten up. "Soda you ok?" Pony asked. "Forget if he's ok where's my girl!" Dal yelled. It scared me a little to be honest. "I don't really know dal." Soda said. He sounded like he had given up. "What do you mean that you don't know where she is?!??!!!?!" Dal yelled at him. Dal was getting angry. "Listen dal and listen good! I caught up with her when some Socs came up behind me. She jumped in front of me to fight them. We beat them. She took off again. I couldn't keep up with her." Soda said in a stern voice. "Then let me go after her!" Dal demanded. "No one is going after her." Darry said. "Why! What if she runs off and I never see her again! What if she runs off and gets put in the cooler man I don't wanna see that happen to her man. I have to go get her man. She's my world." He said the last part to himself he didn't think that anyone heard it but I did.

Dallas's POV
"She's my world." I mumbled the last part to myself so that the guys didn't think I was going soft. I can't believe she cut herself and now she's thinking of killing herself. That girl is my world. Has been since the day I met her. I have known her since the day she was born. I promised to keep her safe. When we were younger I never thought that I would ever be dating her though. When we were little she would still a kiss or two but I never thought anything of it. But what I didn't know at the time is that's how she stole my heart. Man I hope she's ok. I'm done with this stuff. I don't care if she hates me for it I'm not gonna beat around the bush I'm bringing her back. She said she wants to be yelled at. She said she wants someone to tell her happy ever after ain't happening . I will do it for her no matter what. Even if it's the last thing I do. "Im going after her no one can stop me. No one will stop me." I yelled slamming my fist down on the coffee table. I then ran out the door. I knew right where she would be. I told her all the places I went to hide out. I took off to the dx. There is an old car behind the garage where I go to cool down sometimes so I figured she would be there. That was her favorite spot to go. A lot of times I would go there to cool down and find her there. We would just sit and be angry together. I found her in the car but she was doing just about killed me. She was trying to pry a sharp piece of metal off the car. "Sam stop!!" I screamed at her. She stopped and started crying again. I sat down in the old car beside her. She leaned over on me and cried onto my shoulder. I gently picked her up and carried her back to the house. I know she didn't want to go back but she had to go back. She needed us to help her. And that's what I was gonna do. After I got her out of the car I leaned down and gently kissed her head. I walked all the way back to her house with her in my arms bridal style. The whole way I hummed the song she always sang to me. She fell asleep a block before we got to her house. I had to kick the door so someone could open the door for me. Johnny opened the door. He looked so happy to see that i brought her back. He stepped aside to let me walk through the door. The guys all looked up. Jamie was there with them. She had a death grip on pony. I walked towards the stairs to take her to her room but she mumbled something. I couldn't quite tell what it was but she said it again. "No dal." She said. I listened and walked her over to the couch. "Where was she?" Darry asked as I sat down on the couch with her. "She was at one of her chill out spots." I told them. Johnny knew what it was and so did Jamie the rest of the gang didn't though. "What's that?" Pony asked. "It's one of the spots she goes to chill out when she's mad. It's her favorite spot." I said looking at her. She opened her eyes for a second. She sat up and looked at the rest of the guys and Jamie. Hate flickered in her eyes. I knew she wouldn't be happy that I brought her back here but that's what she needed. I'm afraid now that we will have to get her some professional help. I don't want to but that maybe what happens. "Johnny can I talk to you for a minute?" Sam asked. Johnny looked at me. I nodded my head yes he said ok then got up and followed her to her room. It gave me a perfect opportunity to talk to Darry.

Hey y'all thanks for reading please tell me what y'all think. I will be updating soon!!! Bye for now!!

Stay gold

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