Chapter 6

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I had just got to the park when i seen Matt walking my way. He had a huge black eye. He smiled at me and Jamie anyway. "Hi Sam. So do you have any idea of what happened last night?" Matt asked. "Well from what I can put together the fun house made us all kinda crazy." I said walking towards the swings with Matt by my side. "That still doesn't tell my why i have the black eye." Matt said. "Actually it does. Ya see. You were being goofy with me like you always do and Dal didn't really like and i think you may have challenged him." I said sitting down on the swing. "Are you serious. Why would he even get mad about me goofing off with you?" Matt said. "That's just dal for ya. They seen me and you yesterday outside of the DX. Man was dal mad." I said. "It seems like he is always mad." Matt said with a grin. "Well there is usually something that makes him mad. Its not really you that made him mad last night. It was really me who started it." I said swinging. "What do you mean?" Matt asked. "Its really a long story. But just shrug it off. Not that it will be that easy to do that with that black eye." I said with a laugh. "It will be alright." Matt said. "Hey Sam i gotta go." Jamie said running up to me and Matt. "OK. bye." We both said as Jamie ran off towards her house. "So what are you doing today?" Matt asked me. "I didn't really have nothing planned." I said walking beside Matt. "You wanna go get some ice cream?" Matt asked. "Yeah lets stop by my house first no one should be there. Well no one you have to worry about." U said walking beside Matt. "Alright." Matt said shoving his thumbs in his pockets. "So like who would we have to worry bout?" Matt asked. "Well I don't have to worry about him you do. And dal would be at the top of the list to watch out for." I said watching where I was walking. "Why would I have to worry about Dallas anyway I can take him." Matt said. "I'm sure you can Matt but dal has been acting weird lately. And I don't wanna take no chances, even though i love a good fight I don't want to have to break up a fight between you and dal." I said with a little bit of a laugh. "What ever i can take him." Matt said puffing out his chest like he was strong. We both laughed at Matt's attempt to look tuff. I walked into the house with Matt behind me. All the guys looked up at me. "what are you two doing?" Soda asked. "I was stopping to get something." I said. "Then what are you guys doing?" Soda asked eyeing Matt. "Running away. What do you think we are gonna do?" I said tired of getting the third degree. "We were just gonna go get some ice cream." Matt said speaking up shocking me. "And after ice cream?" Soda asked. "Then we are running away. Maybe you'll get a life instead of questioning me on my every move." I said. "He's just looking out for you." Steve said. "I don't need looked out for." Insaid. "Hey look Sam I gotta go. i'll see ya later." Matt said walking out the door. "You said that you had nothing to do all day." I started to tell Matt in protest but, it was to late he was already out the door. "Great. Thanks guys." I said walking up the stairs. "What did we do?" soda asked stopping me in my tracks. "WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?" I screamed at him. "YEAH. WHAT DID WE DO?" Soda yelled back. "LETS SEE. YOU KNOW WHAT IT MAY BE EASIER TO SAY WHAT Y'ALL HAVEN'T DONE!" I yelled back walking down the steps. "STOP IT." Pony yelled. "NO. YOU GUYS RUINED MY PLANS AND DAL DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO SAY A WORD. THAT'S A NEW LOW FOR YOU GUYS." I yelled wanting to be anywhere except in the house with them. I darted back up the stairs locking the door to my room and turning on my record. I turned up the music loud enough for the guys to hear. My record player was blasting Bon Jovi and I was doing it to prove a point. I sat down on my bed and cried. I had lost my parents and my brothers were trying to raise me. I had a failed attempt at a more than friend and a best friend who i could count on for anything. I had finally realized that I had been sitting there for at least an hour crying when my record stopped playing. Before I got up to put on a different record my phone rang. "hello." I said in my best attempt to sound like i hadn't been crying. "Have you been crying?" Jamie asked. "Yeah. Me and Soda kinda got into a fight. I really need to talk to you. Can you meet me at the park?" I said rubbing my head. "yeah. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Jamie said. I fixed my makeup and walked down stairs. "She decided to come out of her cave." Dal said with a smirk. "Shut up your not off the hook either Dallas. I'm going to go meet up with Jamie." I said not knowing Darry had come home. "I think your music was a little loud wasn't it." Darry said not looking up from the newspaper he was reading. "Sorry Darry didn't realize that it was that loud. Is it ok if i go meet Jamie in the park?" I asked. "Yes you can go meet Jamie. Just be careful." Darry said. "Thanks Darry." I said running out the door.

Ok guys i know that i have not updated for a while. sry bout that. i have just been really busy and sick. so heres the update tell me what yall think i love hearing from you guys. bye 4 now.

stay gold

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