Chapter 16

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I woke up to find Dallas gone. I still felt light headed but I was also hungry. I thought i could walk so i started to get up to walk downstairs when the door opened. It was Jamie. "Hey Jamie." I said with a smile. "Hey Sam your up!" Jamie said getting excited. "Shhhhh don't scream don't let the guys hear you!" I said to her. "Ok ok." Jamie said. "Where's dal?" I asked. "I sent him home to go get some rest. I also made your brothers actually go to bed. The rest of the guys are still here though." Jamie said sitting down. "I'm hungry." I said. "Do you think you can walk downstairs?" Jamie asked me. "Yeah i think so." I said. She walked over to help me up and walk downstairs. Steve was the first one to see that I had walked downstairs. "Sam!" Steve yelled running over to me with johnny and Two-bit behind him. "Guys easy I'm feeling better." I told them with a laugh. "Sam come sit down on the couch." Steve said. I walked over and sat on the couch. "What's going on in here guys?" Soda asked sleepily walking into the living room rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. He looked up and saw me. "Sam your awake!!!" He screamed making Darry and pony wake up. They both ran into the living room and all three tackled me in a hug. "Easy guys easy. I came down here for food not a love fest." I said with a laugh. "I know Sam but we were all afraid that you weren't gonna come out of whatever you were in." Soda said. "Sam what do you want me to fix you to eat?" Darry asked. "Grilled cheese." I said while he walked into the kitchen to make it. "Where is dal?" I asked. "Right here baby doll." He said walking in the door and straight to me. He gave me a hug and a kiss while the rest of the guys made gagging nosies. Dal and I both turned around and smacked the first person we could. Jamie was the only one who didn't mock me and dal. "Jamie why didn't you make gagging noises?" Pony asked his girlfriend. "Because its sweet. If you would have known how long she has suffered not being with him you would understand." Jamie said rolling her eyes at pony. "Why do you always have to be on her side why do you always have to want what she wants?!" Pony yelled at Jamie. "I WAS HER BEST FRIEND LONG BEFORE I WAS YOUR GIRLFRIEND! Ya know what I don't have to take this. I'm outta here." Jamie said before taking off running out the door letting the screen door slam behind her. Soda hugged pony and started comforting him. "Well i know how me and dal being together has affected them to what about you guys?" I asked really curious of what they thought. "I'm happy for you guys Sam." Johnny said with a smile. "Your the hottest couple in Tulsa." Two-bit said with a smile. "As long as your happy." Soda said. "I'm neutral." Steve said. "If it makes you happy." Darry said walking into the living room with my food. "Thanks darry." I said taking the plate from him. I had eaten the whole plate of food within five minutes. "Sam you could have slowed down we weren't gonna take it from you." Darry said taking the plate. "I knew that if y'all tried to take it you would all have broken arms." I said with a laugh. "Do you want more to eat?" Darry asked. "No. I'm gonna go take a shower and get dressed." I said. "Sam do you think i should go after Jamie?" Pony asked. "I'm gonna tell you this pony. It's best to give Jamie time to cool off. Give her her freedom. Don't question her. She has been hurt before. She's afraid of it happening again. I don't care if you two get married and have kids or if y'all break it off in a week but don't put me in the middle of any fights or disagreements you have with her. Because 9 times out of 10 i will end up taking her side." I said before walking upstairs to go change and take a shower.

Hey y'all i was so excited to update because i love this story so much. Thank y'all so much for reading. Please comment and tell me what y'all think. I love hearing from y'all. Thanks again so much for reading. I will update soon. Thats all for now. Bye for now.

Stay gold

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