Chapter 2

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I woke up and looked at my clock. It read 7:30 A.M. "Dang it" i said waking up johnny. "What's wrong Sam?" Johnny asked sitting up. "I'm late for school." I said running and grabbing a dress from my closet and running to the bathroom to change. As soon as i changed i opened the door and darted downstairs where all the guys were asleep. "Wake up. I'm late for school." I said running back up the stairs. "Don't dilly-dally!!!" I yelled. Making them jump some more. Johnny was still sitting on the bed in my room regaining his senses. I had already ran a brush through my hair and was pulling it up. "Shoes. Where's my shoes to go with this dress." I said running around like a mad person. "Sam chill. Your not going to be late." Johnny said. "I can't calm down." I said thinking about the test. I had a headache. From stress and drinking a little to much of my tea concoction. "I guess I'll just not ware any makeup today." I said to myself. I had  sprayed some perfume on and grabbed a tube of lip gloss for a quick effortless look. I walked down the stairs with Johnny behind me when dal looked up. He did not look happy at the sight of Johnny walking down the stairs behind me from my bedroom. "Darry you have some medicine for a headache?" I asked walking into the kitchen. "Why do you have a headache?" Darry asked. "From stress smartie. If I don't get a good grade on this test I get an F for the semester." I said pouring a cup of coffee. "Ok. Here." He said handing me a bottle of pills. "Take 2. No more then that." He said looking at me. "What did you dress up for Sam?" Dal asked. "Huh? Oh this. It was just fast to put on." I said taking a sip of my coffee. "Tea all evening and coffee in the morning. How are you not bouncing off the walls?" Steve said looking at me. "I'm a girl. Girls don't bounce off the walls at coffee like boys do." I said. "Well Sam. I don't care that you ware a dress but I think that one needs a vest or something." Darry said. "What giving fashion advice now?" Dal asked seeming to enjoy the dress on me. "No. But the top is a tube top." He said pointing it out to me for the first time. "So." I said. "Well I don't want you to get jumped or anything." Darry said. "I have my switch." I said holding it up. "That's not always enough. Vest. Now." Darry said pointing upstairs. "Fine." I said sitting down my coffee and running upstairs. "Don't be so hard on her." Dal said to Darry. I grabbed my jean vest that Steve gave me and took off back downstairs with my bag. "Need a ride to school. Don't dilly-dally whoever is taking me." I said walking into the kitchen. The guys all had a big smile on their faces. "What?" I asked. "You can't forget about last night can you?" dal asked with a smirk. "What it's just an expression. Gosh." I said thinking the guys were getting crazier and crazier the older i got. "I need a ride to school." I said looking at them with my hands on my hips. "Me and Steve are headed to the dx. You and pony can ride with us." Soda said walking to the door. "Thanks soda. Bye guys." I said walking out the door behind soda with pony and Steve right behind me. "You are not really worried about being late or that test are you." Soda said driving to the school. "No. I just drank to much tea concoction last night so I'm kinda hungover." I said. "Did Johnny help you study." Soda asked. "Yeah. What else would we have been doing?" I asked. Steve and Soda looked at each other and shook their heads. "Dal sure wasn't happy when Johnny followed you down those steps." Steve said with a bit of a smirk. "I don't see why. I mean we were just studying." I said looking out the window. "Well no one told dal that Johnny was up in your room. I told Darry when he came in. He wasn't to crazy about it but it's Johnny. So he trusted him." Soda said looking at the road ahead. "Darry is never to crazy about anything I do. No matter what I do or who I'm with unless it's you or pony he's always afraid that I'm gonna end up pregnant. I'm smarter then to do that." I said rubbing my forehead. Those words sent Steve and soda silent. "Yeah. How did you know that's what Darry is always afraid of?" Soda asked. "I'm not stupid and I have ears. You think I don't hear him yelling at some of the guys." I said as soda pulled into the school parking lot to drop me and pony off. "Have a good day at school." Soda and Steve both said while i got out of the truck. Pony hopped down out of the back to follow me into the school building when someone put their arm around my shoulders. It was Matt. He was a good friend of mine outside of the gang. The only one who knew about him was pony. Until now. Steve seen him and pointed it out to Soda.  I was in for a lot of questions when I got home. "Hey doll. Why didn't you walk today?" Matt asked me. "Was running late." I said. "I see. here let me carry that bag for you." Matt said taking it off my shoulder. "Thanks. Have you been to the fun house yet?" I asked Matt while walking into the school building. "No not yet. Why you goin?" Matt said. "Yeah. Bye pony." I said as pony turned the corner to go to his locker. Matt and I shared a locker so we always walked together. "When are you going?" Matt asked opening the locker. "Tonight." I said putting books into the locker. Matt and I had all the same classes together. Which helped cause he could always remember what work i had to do. "Who all is going with you?" He asked. "All of the guys except Darry and pony might go. Then Jamie." I said closing the locker. The rest of the day was pretty much the same. I got an A on the test which made me so happy. "You and pony walking home." Matt said. "Yeah" i said grabbing my bag from the locker. "Can I walk with you guys?" Matt asked. "Sure. Jamie's walking with us. She's staying the night at my house." I said. "Ready for tonight." Jamie said walking up behind me. "Yes. We can drive and the guys crazy." I said  while Matt slammed the locker shut and walked with me and Jamie. When I got out of the school building Matt put his arm around my shoulders. I didn't mind though. He walked with us all the way to the dx. "Hey I gotta go. Bye Sam" Matt said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I blushed a little. Jamie and pony had already walked into the dx. Dallas and Johnny were in there along with soda and Steve. "Hey Sam who was that?" Soda asked. "Who?" I asked hoping they hadn't seen Matt. "The boy that had his arm around you." Dallas asked me . "Oh. That's Matt. He's just a friend." I said a slight blush appearing on my cheeks. "Yeah an awful friendly friend." Dal said looking a little angry. "We have a few classes together and share a locker no biggie." I said smiling at Jamie. Soda just looked at us. "I think we need to meet this boy if your sharing a locker with him." Soda said earning a look and a laugh from Steve. "Naw you ain't gotta worry about him. Pony knows him. And stop trying to sound like Darry." I said giving him a look. "Naw I think I need to meet the twerp." Dal said shockingly and the guys. Johnny flinched when dal talked. I have begun to wonder why dal was acting the way he was. "What?" I asked almost challenging him. "I said I want to meet the twerp who thinks he can put his arm on your shoulders like that and walk around like you was his girl." Dal said. "Who said I ain't his girl." I said glaring at dal. "Sam let's head to the house and get ready for the fun house." Jamie said seeing the rage in Dal's eyes. They way he looked i thought it was a good idea myself. Jamie and I got out of there as fast as we could.

Hey y'all thanks for reading. I know this has been a long story but I still couldn't find a spot to stop. Finally found a good one. Don't 4get to comment and vote. I really love hearing from you guys. Updates will b coming soon. Bye 4 now.

Stay gold

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