Chapter 7

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Nikki's Pov

I cuddle up to my blankets against the chilly breeze. I glance up and watch Esther huddle by the fire, her head in her hands. I really didn't mean to yell to her like that. I love her, but for some reason, I get so angry and direct it at her. I want us to be best friends again. When we would stick by each other no matter what. I miss that. I don't know what happened.
My eyelids droop as I try to watch Esther. My last thought was wondering what Esther's thinking.
I wake up at 7:00a.m. with a bad feeling. I can't explain it. Muted greenish light gently shines on the inside. I look at Esther's bed and jump. It's empty. She must be in the bathroom. Something seems out of place in the hootchie, but I can't place it. I start to walk toward the bathroom when it hit me. Her backpack is missing. Oh, no. She couldn't have. She can't. I run the rest of the way. As soon as I'm there, I try the door. It swings open with a creak. The bathroom is empty. I bolt back to camp. I look around, but can't find any clue as to where she went. Aw, man. Her mother is going to kill me! I really should have known that she would have done this. Even though I knew what happened, I lifted my eyes to the heavens. "Oh, no. She made a run for it."

I am so sorry. Wattpad acted up and this chapter disappeared for a while. I made a new one, but when I published it, this one reappeared. That resulted in publishing it.

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