Chapter 13

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Nikki's POV

   I mount Archy and he stands rock still as I do. I love horses, but I never thought I'd ever get one, living in town. Esther's had a couple, but they didn't work out.
   Recalling the lessons I've had, I follow Crowley and Esther out the castle gate. Archy obeys my every command almost as if he reads my mind. I think turn, and he turns. I think trot, and he trots. He's a great horse. Too bad I couldn't have said bye to Sir Peter before I left. It was mighty nice of him to give me Archimedes, though. I start to dreamily think about him. Crowley gives me an amused look, but I don't notice it.
   Esther pulls up next to Crowley and I start listening to their conversation.
   "So why do you have to bring us to Redmont? I thought the ward there was only for noblemen serving in Redmont." Crowley turns to her. "Interesting that you already know about the ward. I wouldn't have thought that you'd know much about that fief. Well, anyway, it is, but we have too much going on with commotion going on at the Three Step Pass with wargals. The Choosing Day is coming up for the wards, so they won't be too busy. How old are you?" "I'm 15. And being the rangers' commandant, shouldn't you be at the castle with paperwork?"
"Well,  yes, but my assistant can manage it. I need a break from all that paperwork. I have some friends in Redmont that I'll love to see again. You just gave me the perfect opportunity to make the trip. Back to your age, you being fifteen makes you eligible for the Choosing. Unfortunately, your friend is too young to be chosen. She still has another year to go."
I tune out. I'M GOING TO BE ALL ALONE IN A STRANGE PLACE?!!! NO!! I stare at them in disbelief. I can see Esther glancing at me with a mixed expression. She doesn't look too pleased about that.
   "Are you sure? I'm not sure how she'd go in a different place. She's not used to all this trouble."
Crowley looks at me with pity. "I'm sorry, but that's the way it goes. There's going to be a couple other kids there to keep her company. But enough of that, we need to find a suitable place to sleep tonight. The sun's on its way down." I glance at the sun. He's right. The sun is already at the top of the horizon. We press on until we reach a small clearing. Once we get there, we dismount and tether our horses. Rather, Esther and I do. Crowley just takes off the saddle and bridle, and let's the horse graze. Esther doesn't give it a second thought. Pfft, that's not a smart thing to do with a horse. O well. His horse.
    Crowley turns to us with a mischievous grin. He claps his hands. "Great! Time to set up camp. Esther, you gather firewood. Nikki, you fill the water skins, and get water from that stream over there." Esther sets off immediately. I stand there looking confused. "Uh, get water with what?" Crowley shoves six water skins and two leather buckets into my hands. I stare at them. "How am I supposed to carry all this back from the stream? It must be 100 metres away." Crowley grins. "Alright. You want to get the firewood, instead?" I nod. He calls Esther back. Already, she has a handful of sticks and logs. "Yes?" "Change of plans. Nikki's getting the wood. You're getting the water." Esther nods and drops the wood. She takes the pile of leather from my hands and darts off. Crowley follows her. I sigh and go off to gather sticks, checking for spiders each time.


(Nikki's POV off)
   Crowley follows Esther secretly to see how she handles the situation. First, she does the skins. She empties any filled ones, washes them out, and refills them. Then she gets a long, thick stick for a reason Crowley only suspects. Knew it, he thinks as Esther fills the buckets and hangs them on the stick. She rests the stick on her shoulders, then carefully places the skins on the stick. She tests the weight, then looks at the distance between there and the camp. Finally, she takes off towards the camp. She picks her way among the trees cautiously, until the end of the stick catches on a tree. Esther is swung off balance and falls. Crowley winces as she lands hard on the forest floor. The buckets spill. Thankfully, the water skins are tied tightly and don't spill. Quickly, she grabs the buckets and stick. She hangs the skins up on branches neck level where she can easily reach them. Clever. Once she fills up the buckets, she heads back, picks up the skins, and manages to make it back to camp. Nikki is there waiting with a pile of firewood.


Nikki's POV

    I come back to the clearing to find no one there. Finally, Esther comes staggering up to me under the weight of six full water skins and two buckets. She sets them down carefully. Crowley appears before us, almost scaring the wits out of me. "Well done, you two. Esther, go give the water to the horses and put the skins down over there. Here's some flint. Make a fire while I get our dinner." He vanishes. I hate how he does that. And does he ever say please?
    We get the fire started, and Crowley comes back with two plump rabbits. He hands us two knives and tells us to make a spit. Then he takes out another knife and walks away to prepare the rabbits.
    Two hours later, Crowley sets up a sleeping area for each of us. "Now who's up first for keeping watch?" I gawk at him. "Watch?" He nods. "But why? We're safe, ain't we?" He shrugs. "Here, you're never fully safe. You need to watch for bandits, bears, wargals, and just about anything else that might hurt you."
"Well, I'm not keeping watch. I want to sleep. No, you and Esther can handle it without me."
   Few minutes later, I sit on a rock face away from the fire. Crowley didn't give a care about me sleeping. I'm on watch duty for three hours. From there, I can hear Esther stirring. I look back to see her sit up and move to sit at the fire. Shrugging, I turn around. She is more of a night owl. She gets the second watch duty.
    Sighing, I rest my chin on my hands. Ouch! Something jabs me from inside my pants pocket. I reach in and feel the letter that Sir Peter left me. I haven't had time to read it yet. I pull it out and open it. Fancy, cursive writing fills the page.     

Dear Nikki,
        I am truly sorry for leaving without bidding you farewell. I hope Archimedes is quite to your liking. He has served me loyally for the last year or so. He is a great stallion. He will serve you well.
     I may have only known you for one day, but you are clearly a great person. My parents want me to marry a noble girl, but all the girls I know are too fancy for me. All they care about is trying to get people to notice them. They never be themselves. You, on the other hand, are plain. In a good way, of course. Your clothes are plain, but you look great in them. And they're not even dresses. You have captured my heart. I should hope you feel the same way about me. I will plead with my father to let me visit you in Redmont. If he agrees, I shall see you in a couple of weeks. Don't forget me when you arrive. I know I won't. And don't hate me when you spend time with me. For I'm not really fancy. I shall say no more. Until then, have a good trip there.
                              Sincerely yours,

    Suddenly, I  wasn't so bored or tired any more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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