Chapter 10

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Esther's Pov

  The wargals are slowing heading towards me, ready to kill. Out the corner of my eye, I see the family, minus the husband, slip away. At least they'll be safe. I really don't think I'll last long. The lead wargal thrusts his spear at me. I dodge and push my stick into its head. I barely budge it. I just barely block another thrust behind me. The butt of a spear hits me from my side and I collapse. Seriously, how ever am I going to explain this to Mum? Or rather, who's going to explain this to Mum? The lead wargal raises his spear for the fatal thrust. The quiet twang of a bow reaches my ear and a green shaft whizzes over me. The arrow lodges itself in the wargal's chest. I watch as the creature collapses, its red eyes staring at me. It is quickly replaced by another wargal. This time, all the wargals prepare to kill me with their weapons. More arrows fly and more wargals fall. I quickly dodge a sword, but get nipped on the arm by a spearhead. I kick one away and jam a rock in one's arm. It doesn't do much, but at least it gives me time. Before I knew it, the wargals around me disappear. I stand up to see all the monsters dead. I shudder at the sight. A guy cloaked in green and black walks, seemingly out of a tree, up to me. In his hand is a deadly longbow. I suddenly remember the poor farmer. Ignoring the new fellow, I kneel down at the man's side. I check futiley for a pulse. Never have I seen someone get killed before my very eyes. For sure, the image will stain my mind for life. A tear escapes. "Thank you, Miss." I look up to see the wife next to me. Her three kids stare at me with wide eyes. One of them seems to be about my age. He gives me a sad smile before lowering his eyes. I bow my head. "Sorry I couldn't save your husband. I should have acted quicker." The woman shakes her head. "You did all you could. You risked your life for ours. You are extremely brave for one so young. Me and my children are indebted to you. If not for you, we wouldn't be here." She abruptly sees the cloaked figure behind me and nervously curtsies. "And thanks to you too, Ranger." Hastily, she herds her kids away to the house. The boy looks back at me with a strange expression. He gives a little wave. I wave back. "Well, she seemed eager to get away. I wonder what that reason was?" I turn around as the ranger speaks. The ranger lowers his hood, revealing fiery red hair and sparkling blue eyes. The corners of his eyes wrinkle in a friendly way as he grins humorously at me. Immediately, I know that this is Crowley. The books describe him perfectly. "Who might you be? You don't look like you're from around here. Or anywhere on the continent." I can't help but suddenly feel self-conscious about my clothes. They don't look anything like medieval clothes. "Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know how I got here." Crowley squints at me in suspicion. "Really? Where do you live?" If I wasn't nervous before, I am now. "Ummm. I don't have a home. Or a family." In this world, it's the truth. The suspicion in Crowley's eyes disappear. "An orphan, eh? Well, don't worry. I know a place that will take you in. How old are you?" "Fifteen." Crowley scratches his chin. "Hmmm. Choosing Day for the fifteen year-olds is in a few months. I'll bring you there. Come with me." I follow him. How did this happen? Did the same thing happen to Nicola?

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