41.Her Punishment

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So guys as I said that I will be post next part if I got gud response so thank u soo much for liking this ff. So here is ur next part, I hope u like it...

She won't be go anywhere... He said loudly with authority....
What do u mean by that.... She asked in disbelief n suspiciously too , Sensed the possessiveness in his voice..
I mean I will be handle everything.u just go n take rest. M sure u would be tired so just relax.. He quickly covered up n trying to change the topic..
BT Rd aap.. Before that she say further he cut her off in mid..
Believe me maasi I will be handle everything.. He assured her while hold her shoulders lightly..
Where she was giving him "r u sure" look..
Merry.. He called her thus she taken her at her room for rest..
M not going to leave u meera... He gritted his teeth in anger then headed toward his room..
How dare u to do that.. I warned u delete all those clipping otherwise I will shut ur channel for ever ... He shouted angrily over the call as soon he came inside his room then latched the door behind..
U can't do this Mr shekhawat... He heard a scared voice..
I will.. He roard..
BT.. Before that person say something..
I don't wanted to listen ur those excuses... So think fast..He roard n about to cut the call..
OK Mr shekhawat I will BT plz u won't do anything.. She chipped in almost pleaded tone..
Gud.. He chipped then cut the call..

At 11am, Khanna industries..
Meera was in her cabin n just seeing the same news in repeat mood n smirking on her victory.. BT she didn't knew that it was her biggest mistake to mess with RSS's love.. BT soon she will get to know..
How dare u to came inside my cabin without my permission ...she shouted while get off to her chair as soon he came inside her cabin like an Storm..
Shut ur mouth n I don't need ur bloody permission to do anything so its will be better if u stay in ur limit... He shouted angrily ..
Anyway m not interested to talk to u m just here to say u that u r finished miss Meera Khanna... He gritted his teeth..
What do mean... She snapped ..
I mean.. He chipped while took out a paper inside his court then threw that over her face..
Randhirr.. She yelled angrily..
Read it... U bloody useless... He clenched his jaw..
N before that she picked that paper to the floor..
OK let me tell u what's written in this paper.. He chipped while took a seat infront of her table..
So miss meera Khanna m glad to inform u that ur all investors n partners have withdrawn their shares to ur company... He declared..
What the hell r u saying...she shouted shockingly...
Low u pitch u bloody bitch... He shouted in the same pitch while banged his hand over the glass table..
They can't do this... She gritted her teeth..
They already done... He clenched...
N now u have to pay for ur deeds.. He added with anger..
Inspector.... He called the cops who stay outside the cabin.
U can't do this to me.. She snapped angrily..
I will n u know what meera people like u just a burden on this world.. I can't believe that how could a girl do something like this with a girl.. He chipped with hatred whereas she was glaring him...
Inspector arrest her... He ordered then two lady constable put handcuff in her wrist then about to taken her out..
I will be come back Rd n I will destroy her.. She shouted in angrily..
Wait.. He stopped them n went toward her n give her a tight slap over her cheek made it turned into red with his finger print..
Don't dare to think something like this n don't worry I will make sure that ur whole life just spend behind the bar.. He chipped with determination.. Then cops taken her out to the cabin thus he took a sign..

At the shekhawat mansion :
Where is Sanyukta.. Arudhati asked when she didn't get her at mansion..
Mam she has left for college.. Merry informed..
What.. Arundhati yelled in shock..
Didn't u stop her... She said..
Mam I had tried to stopped her BT she's didn't listen me.. She informed..
OK u go.. Arudhati chipped in irritation while dialed Rd no..
Rd sanyu has gone to college.. Arudhati informed as soon he picked her call..
So what's the problem in it.. Its better na.. He exclaimed..
Rd u wasn't getting understand.. Arudhati chipped annoyingly..
Now everything will be gud. So don't think much.. He trying to assured her ...
OK... She chipped then cut the call trying to make herself understand..
After an hr later when arudhati was in kitchen with merry when she saw sanyu running towards stairs followed by a girl who continuously calling her from behind BT she wasn't listing her. Then arudhati headed toward them n before that she catched sanyu she closed herself in her room

Just one part remain of flashback😊

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