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Jasper and Athena had returned from their honeymoon just before exams were to start

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Jasper and Athena had returned from their honeymoon just before exams were to start. Jasper wanted her to make the most of her first high school experience. One thing Athena hated more than anything was exams. She hated the stress and anxiety that came with studying for exams. Jasper helped but let's face it, with him around she hardly did any studying.

The pair had been joined at the hip ever since they came back from their honeymoon. Athena had refused to take off her ring, even if Jasper had suggested that she takes it off while they are at school to avoid any questions. She loved him and she wore her ring to prove it.

"Morning love birds," Alice squealed as they get out of the car. Once again she managed to squeeze the life out Athena as she hugged her. She really had missed the family while they had been away for their honeymoon but made sure to keep in touch with them.

"Morning to you too, pixie." Athena laughed when she saw the scowl on Alice's face. She had always hated it when she called her pixie.

Jasper escorted her to her first class before walking to his own. Ever since they got married, Athena had avoided Bella, knowing she would find a reason to beat the brunette. Edward had been less of an ass and even apologised but Athena was still wary of him. Rosalie and Emmett were her best friends and the two she was still closest to. Alice and Melinda got along great and even loved shopping together. Wyatt, Chris, Emmett and Jasper have all become really close. She was really glad that they were all getting along as they were all family to her.

Classes had gone by smoothly and Jasper escorted her to the cafeteria. They walked over to where Bella, Edward and the rest of their friends sat. As they sat down, Alice joined them. Bella's friends couldn't understand why we sat down with them. Athena moved closer to Jasper when she felt Mike undressing her with his eyes. Jasper pulled her to his side, lowly growling at the human.

"I have decided to throw a party for graduation," Alice exclaimed. Everyone on the table looked at the pixie strangely, wondering why she had decided to throw a graduation party.

Jasper smirked slightly, "After all, how many times are we going to graduate?" Edward, Athena and Alice laugh lightly at his joke. Athena could feel how uncomfortable Bella was at the idea of another party but she didn't care, they all needed a night to let lose.

"Come on, it'll be fun," Alice smiled.

"That's what you said last time," Bella sighed.

Athena glared slightly at the brunette, annoyed that she would say something like that to Alice. If the pixie wanted to throw another party, Athena sure as hell wasn't going to let Bella make her feel bad. She smiles reassuringly at the pixie. "A party sounds good. Besides we only graduate once." Alice smiled at Athena warmly before she was sucked into a vision.

Athena kicked Bella lightly under the table to get her to distract her friends from whatever was going on with Alice which she managed to do. Athena knew that Alice had a vision about Victoria but didn't say anything. She knew that Edward would keep from Bella and she didn't want to be the cause of an argument between the two. She would do her job but wasn't going to involve Bella. Jasper squeezed her hand lightly, his presence calming her.

Victoria was coming and Athena wanted nothing more than to kill her herself.

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