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Athena had woken up the next morning feeling a little nauseous

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Athena had woken up the next morning feeling a little nauseous. She quickly got out of bed and ran towards the bathroom, throwing up the contents of her stomach. She sat on the floor for a while, trying to regulate her breathing. This had been happening for the past week and she had no idea why. At first she thought it was a stomach bug, but clearly that isn't the case anymore as she had been throwing up for too long.

"How are you feeling, darling?" Jasper asked from the doorway. He hated that she was in this condition and could do nothing about it.

"I'm fine, just a little lightheaded," she spoke softly. She got up, brushed her teeth before getting changed for the day ahead. She had promised Melinda that she would help her with her powers as she was having trouble controlling them.

"Are you sure? I can ask Carlisle to give you a check up?"

Athena smiled at his concern. She walked over to him and kissed him lightly on the lips, "I'm fine. Don't worry. If I feel any worse, I will go and find Carlisle, myself."

"Alright, darling."

As Melinda was an empath, she was having a hard time controlling what she felt and how to deal with it without feeling like she was going insane

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As Melinda was an empath, she was having a hard time controlling what she felt and how to deal with it without feeling like she was going insane. Athena knew that Mel had been having trouble with her powers for a while, hence why she offered to help her gain some control of her powers.

"You just need to breathe, Mel. Focus on the feeling that is most obvious, don't worry about everything else," Athena said softly. The best way to know what a person was feeling, would be look at what they feel the most, the strongest feeling.

Melinda sighed, "Okay, here goes nothing." She began focusing on what Athena was feeling. The strongest feeling she got was happiness but there was something else too. She couldn't explain but there was soother feelings, some that weren't hers. Before she could tell her what she felt, Athena had passed out.

The brunette had woken up to muttering around her. She didn't know why she passed out but she figured it had something to do with the fact she had been throwing up recently. She opened her eyes slowly, moving to sit up.

"Don't push yourself, love," Jasper spoke. He had also the had a heart attack when Melinda had called him and told him that Athena had passed out. He rushed to the house to find her lying on the ground and rushed her to Carlisle to figure out what was going on.

"How are you feeling?" Carlisle asked. He knew how worried Jasper was and wanted to ease his mind. Athena was like a daughter to him and he hated to see her in the condition that Jasper had brought her in.

Athena sighed, "I'm fine. Tired and hungry but also nauseous."

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

Athena thought about it, "For the past two weeks."

"Have you been having any cravings? Are you more tired than normal? Have you been throwing up most mornings?" Carlisle asked as he took down notes on her condition, coming to a conclusion that he wasn't sure was a good or bad thing. He didn't know how to feel

"Yes, yes and yes."

Carlisle smiled softly at his daughter-in-law, "I believe you might be pregnant, Athena."

"How's that possible?" Jasper questioned. He loved his wife and wanted nothing more than to have a family with her. He just never thought it would be possible so he wasn't sure how to feel but he loved his wife and wanted nothing more than to have a family with her.

"It is. Technically Athena is half human. Why don't I get the ultrasound machine and we'll see if my suspicions are correct." He got up to grab the machine leaving the couple in silence. Athena was terrified and questioned if she would be a good mother. Jasper sensing her distress, kissed the top of her head.

Carlisle returned with the machine. He got Athena to lift up her shirt and rubbed some gel on her stomach. Slowly but surely they head faint heartbeats. Athena and Jasper had their eyes glued to the screen.

"Looks like you're having twins," Carlisle says softly, "I'll leave you both to talk about this." He kissed the top of Athena's head before leaving the room. He was happy that she was expecting and knew they would both be great parents.

"Do you want to do this?"

Jasper smiled at her, "I never thought I would have children but I do want this. This is our family and I want it more than anything. I love you and I know you're going to be a great mother."

Athena smiled at her husband, "Looks like we're going to be parents."

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