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As promised, Athena was once again back in La Push for the bonfire

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As promised, Athena was once again back in La Push for the bonfire. After the Pack had found out she was pregnant, they had been a little distant but because she was still family to them, they had gotten over it fairly quickly. In fact, they were more overprotective of her as well as her baby. Jasper didn't want to let her go to the bonfire as he knew he couldn't protect her but he knew much the wolves meant to her and how protective they were of her and their babies. He was glad they both had the protection they needed.

"It's so good to see you again," Emily smiled. Athena felt sorry for Emily, considering how much she always had to make for the Pack but she knew Emily adored the boys and did it because she enjoyed it. This was her life and she wouldn't change it for anything.

"It's good to see you too. I missed you all. It's been a while since I've been here," Athena sighed in content as she sat down on one of the logs.

"Well, you're always welcome here."

The bonfire was beautiful as it always is. Athena stayed close to Leah, Paul, Embry and Quil, making small talk and discuss their lives, and as far away as she could from Bella and Jacob as she couldn't stand either of them and how they treated those around them. She had promised Sam that she would be on her best behaviour as well as Esme. Besides, she was sure Jasper and Rosalie would lecture her endlessly if she got into a fight.

 Besides, she was sure Jasper and Rosalie would lecture her endlessly if she got into a fight

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"No fights?"

Athena rolled her eyes, "I promised both you and Jasper that I would be on my best behaviour. Besides, the wolves kept me busy. It's was nice to see them again." She knew Rosalie was just being overprotective because she was pregnant but she could take care of herself.

Rosalie nodded her head with a smile, "I'm glad you had fun and actually listened to me and Jasper. Want something to eat?"

"Please, you love me. Yes please, I have been craving chicken all day." Her cravings had been mild and considering how much she already loved food, there hadn't been a change in a diet other than she ate more. Jasper liked to tease that she was going to eat everyone out of town with how much she was eating and no part of her disagreed, she really had been eating a lot.

Jasper and Emmett walked into the house with an irritated expression on their faces, "The scent disappeared five miles north." Jasper sat down next to his wife, feeling the irritation radiation off her. He placed her legs on his lap, rubbing her ankles, hoping to ease some of her pain.

"Someone we know?"

Athena at this point had tuned them all out. She knew who was in Bella's house and why they were after her. Both girls were in danger but they still weren't sure who was orchestrating the whole thing and why they weren't revealing themselves. She needed to figure out who was after them all before it was too late.

"She's got a point, you know." Athena inputed when Bella mentioned the wolves.

Edward glared at her, "I don't trust them." Jasper held his wife closer, glaring at his brother. He loved his brother but he wasn't going to tolerate the way he treated his wife. How dare he be angry at her for wanting more protection for her and their children? Edward might not trust the wolves but his wife did and if they could help protect his wife, he would take their help without any hesitation.

Athena rolled her eyes, "Come off your high stool, Masen. She isn't the only that's in danger. You might not trust the wolves but it's their duty to protect humans and Bella is a human. Besides, she's right. You all can't do what you have to do while staying fed. I'm pregnant, and I'm sure as hell not letting your stupid ass decide what's best for me and my children. The wolves know what there are doing and I trust them."

"You're letting her do this?" Edward asked Jasper.

Jasper scoffed as he continued to glare at Edward, "I might not trust the wolves but she's right. We need all the help we can get. She trusts them and they will help protect both of them. I know you don't want to but we don't exactly have an other options."

Athena rolled her eyes as she continued to eat her chicken, "Just get over it Edward. You want her protected? Well the Pack can help since I clearly can't."

Rosalie frowned, "You know we can't let you get hurt or put yourself in the line of danger?"

"Trust me. I'm not complaining. I just hope everyone can out their differences aside and work together because I know this isn't the end of it all."

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