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It was finally the day of the battle

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It was finally the day of the battle. Athena was sat in Emily's house with Kim, Melinda, Chris and Wyatt. The brunette had been going out of her mind, wondering what was happening at the battle field. She worried for her family but even though she knew Jasper was fine, stress wasn't good for the babies at all.

"Calm down. They'll be fine," Chris tried to reassure her. He hated seeing his sister to distressed, especially since she was pregnant and had her babies to worry about.

Athena started tearing up, "I know. But I can't help but worry. He's the father of my children. I can't do this without him. Sorry, the hormones are driving me insane."

Melinda laughed as she took her hand, "No one is blaming you. We get it. You love him and he's the father of your children. I understand that you're worried but you know him better than anyone. You know he's going to be okay. For the sake of your children, calm down."

"I'm so happy that you're okay," Athena cried as she hugged Jasper tightly but from the look on his face, she knew someone got hurt

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"I'm so happy that you're okay," Athena cried as she hugged Jasper tightly but from the look on his face, she knew someone got hurt. "Who got hurt?"

Jasper sighed as he hugged her tighter, "Jacob did. Leah almost got hurt by a newborn and he got in the way. His right side was completely shattered, Carlisle had to rebreak the bones. He's going to be fine." Despite not being close with Jacob, he was still part of the Pack and she couldn't imagine how they all felt. She made a promise to herself that she would visit them in the morning. Right now, she needed to be with her husband.

"I'm glad Carlisle took care of him."

Jasper smiled as he pressed a kiss to her head, "Of course he would. They are your family too. He would have done it regardless. How do you feel?"

"I feel fine. A little sore. And I hate the fact that everyone feels the need to touch my belly. I'm pregnant, I know but why are you touching my belly? People seriously annoy me." Athena spoke with a scowl on her face. She loved being pregnant but why did everything think they could touch her stomach?

Jasper laughed, "Why don't we lie down, you can deal with everything tomorrow?"

Athena yawned, "I can deal with that."

Before she knew it, she feel into a deep slumber, hoping that everything would be fine.

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