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Athena had spent the morning in La Push with the Pack

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Athena had spent the morning in La Push with the Pack. Jacob had healed nicely so she didn't need to use her powers on him. She had also become closer to Jacob. Ever since the battle, he has been less of an ass and actually tried to get to know her. Since she found out she was pregnant, she hadn't been able to use her active powers, knowing it was to protect the babies.

However, Athena couldn't help but think something was going to happen. All day she has had a bad feeling. Like how you feel when you see someone you don't want to see because of how much they hurt you.

When Athena walked into the Cullen's house, she could hear shouting from the back. Why, she didn't know. Before she could move, however, Rosalie stood in front of her with an angry expression.

"What's going on?" Athena frowned as she looked at her friend in concern.

Rosalie sighed in frustration, "Maria is here. And she wants Jasper back. He's out there with Emmett trying to hold him back from killing her, not that she doesn't deserve it. I don't want you out there but I'm afraid, you're the only person that can calm him down." Jasper had told her everything about his past and knew how hard it was for him. Why Maria was back, she had no idea. However, she wasn't going to let him anywhere near her husband, that was a promise.

"Jasper," Athena softly spoke as she made her way outside. Rosalie had made sure to stay close, in case Maria tried anything. All eyes turned to safe her.

"Darling," Jasper sighed as he slowly calmed down. Emmett and Carlisle let go of him as he made his way over to his wife. Jasper wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her shoulder, to calm himself down.

"Who's she?" Maria glared at Athena. Everyone growled at her disrespect towards the pregnant hybrid.

"His wife. Who are you?" Athena replied with a raised eyebrow.

Maria glared at Athena, "He married you? No wonder he didn't want to leave with me. You need to let him go. My army requires his expertise and knowledge."

Athena scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest, "Nothing you say is going to make his leave with you. You're a manipulative bitch, who needs to find something else to do with her time. I'm not letting him leave anywhere with you. And if you can't handle that, I'm sure the Volturi would be glad to know what you have been up to." Maria frozen in shock at the brunettes threat. She couldn't have the Volturi getting involved with her plans. Before she even had the chance to run, Athena set her on fire. The brunette didn't want her to become a problem in the future and had to get rid of her.

"At least now we don't have to deal with her," Emmett commented when no one else said anything.

"Remind me not to piss you off."

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