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Athena had been benched by Jasper during their upcoming encounter with Victoria

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Athena had been benched by Jasper during their upcoming encounter with Victoria. After the vision that she and Alice both had, they both knew it would be best for Athena to stay home under the protection of her siblings who enjoyed spending time with her.

When both families had found out, they were ecstatic. Rosalie and Melinda had practically been joined at her hip and tended to every need she had while planning the nursery and baby shower for her. The boys were all overprotective and were at her beck and call. Both parents helped in every way they could.

Carlisle had made sure to answer all the questions that both Athena and Jasper had and did all the research he could to make her as comfortable as possible. Edward hadn't been on board on the whole thing but knew better than to state his opinion, knowing Athena and Jasper would have probably killed him.

Athena had decided to have a movie night with her siblings to ease the tension of Victoria coming back. She didn't agree with Edward when he decided to keep it from Bella. The redhead was after the two so why didn't Bella deserve to know? Her life was in danger too. She just couldn't understand why he would send her away but stay with her but couldn't even tell her why.

She still talked to the wolves and they knew everything that was going on. When she had told them about being pregnant, they all had mixed emotions but they did come around eventually. Even if they hated vampires, Athena was family and you don't turn your back on family. They loved having her around and ever since Embry and Leah imprinted on Melinda and Chris, they had all been spending more time together.

Come Monday morning, Athena was exhausted

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Come Monday morning, Athena was exhausted. She had spent the weekend with her family watching movies and doing her homework. She wanted to graduate with honours the first time. Wyatt had helped her stay on top of her work while working on new spells and new ways to use her powers and how to defend herself without attacking. Jasper had been by her side the entire time and she refused to let him her side. She wasn't sure if it was because of everything with Victoria or if it was because of the fact she had just found out she was pregnant.

"You alright, love?" Jasper had been worried that she was overworking herself and wasn't taking care of her health. He had tried to get her to sleep and eat but she was stubborn.

"I'm fine, just tired." Athena had noticed that Jacob was standing with Edward and Bella in what looked like a battle of testosterone. She hated how often the two fought. She had also noticed that Embry was standing to Jacob and ran towards him.

"How's my favourite wolf?" Athena grinned as she ignores the other three. Jasper had understood that the Pack was family to her and he couldn't keep her away from them even if he wanted to.

"I thought Quil was your new favourite wolf," he teased as he wrapped the brunette in an embrace.

"Please. You're both my favourite. Why are you here?"

"Warning the bloodsuckers about the treaty," he replied.

Athena nodded her head, "I see. How's Paul?" Jasper had told her about the altercation between Emmett and Paul. They were both idiots but she was glad that they were both going to be okay.

Embry rolled his eyes before explaining, "He's annoyed of course, but he's fine. He'll get over it eventually. When are you coming down to La Push? Emily misses you."

"Soon I promise." She was grateful that Jasper didn't oppose her friendship with the Pack.

"Victoria? Why didn't you tell me?" Athena heard Bella ask Edward. She couldn't help the smirk that formed in her lips, knowing that Edward had messed up once again.

He rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what Athena was thinking as she had her shield down, "I was just trying to protect you, love."

Bella turned to face Athena, "Did you know about this?"


Bella scowled at Athena, "Why didn't you tell me? She's after me. I deserve to know when she's coming after me. You had no right to keep anything like from me. I thought we were friends. Friends don't hide things from each other." Jasper and Embry stepped closer to Athena knowing Bella had completely crossed the line.

"I don't owe you anything. FYI, you're not the only one she's coming after. Not everything is about you. If you want to blame anyone, blame Edward. He knew and he took you out of town. He made everyone swear not to tell you anything even after we all told him it would be wrong. You and I are not friends. Not anymore. We stopped being friends when you couldn't sort out your priorities. Don't you dare blame me for something that wasn't my fault." Blinded by anger, Athena decided to walk away from the group and towards the school. She couldn't deal with Bella whining right now as all she wanted to do was rip her head of.

Athena smirks slightly when she head Edward growl at what she thought. Maybe that would teach him to mind his own business.

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