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"I just can't believe she would do that to Jacob

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"I just can't believe she would do that to Jacob. After everything he has done for her, you would think she'd have more respect for the people she calls her friends. He deserved an explanation, a face to face meeting, instead she just sent a wedding invitation and waited. Billy and the Pack have been searching for him but nothing. I can't believe her." Athena fumed as she paced the bedroom she shared with Jasper.

Jasper sighed, "Calm down, love."

Athena stubbornly shook her head, "I can't. I'm too angry. I hate the she treats the people she supposedly cared about with so little respect. Charlie doesn't even know the truth and she gets mad at me for putting a boundary spell around the house. I told her that I didn't trust Edward, especially not around Charlie and after what happened with the army, I probably never will."

Jasper could feel her emotions going completely haywire before Athena gasped in shock. Jasper ran towards his wife, "What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?"

"I think my water just broke." Athena gasped as she pressed a hand to her stomach. It was time.

Jasper quickly gathered his wife, taking her down to Carlisle's medical office. Carlisle was sat on his desk when he noticed the couple walk in and didn't hesitate to help. They moved Athena to the table as she screamed out in pain. Jasper held his wife's hand while Carlisle got the supplies he needed to help with the delivery. At this point, everyone in the house understood what was going on. Rosalie was quick to join her side while Esme called the rest of her family.

"They look so cute." Melinda gushed as she looked at the twins. It had been a long labour, with Athena cussing Jasper out for getting her pregnant but they were finally here. The twins were finally here and everyone already adored them.

"Of course they are, I'm their mother." Athena joked as she got up off the bed with Jasper's help. Her husband had been a god sent, attending to her every need while bonding with the twins. Neither of them could believe how beautiful the twins were.

"Thank you." Jasper spoke as he pressed a kiss to her head. She had given him something that he thought he'd never have, children. Two beautiful children.

Athena shook her head, "No thank you." Jasper didn't reply as he hugged her tightly, watching as both their families cooed over the twins, smiling softly at the sight.

"Are you going to tell us their names?" Emmett asked impatiently, shattering the moment the couple was having.

Athena chuckled, "Guys, we want you to meet Grace Rosa Whitlock Hale and Hunter Emil Whitlock Hale."

"You know, I never thought this would ever be possible

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"You know, I never thought this would ever be possible. I have a gorgeous wife and two beautiful children." Jasper sighed in content as he wrapped his arms around Athena.

Athena pressed a kiss to the side of his head, "I know what you mean, love. I never thought I'd ever be this happy, this content with living for eternity. I have you by my side with our children and an amazing family that have been with us through thick and thin. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me a beautiful future to look forward to."

"If anyone should be grateful, it's me, darling. When Alice found me in that cafe, I never thought this was the future awaiting me. I never thought I'd have a family, let alone a beautiful wife. A wife that saw me, all of me and didn't judge me. Rather she embraced all of me and stood by me when I needed her the most. I love you, Athena Whitlock."

"And I love you, Jasper Whitlock."

the end!

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