8 | training

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Athena had convinced Jasper to let her watch the training session since she couldn't fight in the battle

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Athena had convinced Jasper to let her watch the training session since she couldn't fight in the battle. As much as she hated being sidelined, he was right, it was too dangerous. Hence why she was to remain at the Rez with her siblings, as far away from the actions as possible.

Athena stood between Esme and Rosalie. They both refused to let her anywhere near the fighting but she wasn't angry, in fact it was nice to have them care so much. Soon enough the wolves appeared and Athena couldn't help but grin, they were family to her too.

"Welcome," Carlisle started, "Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them." Athena smiled proudly at her husband. She knew he hated what Maria had put him through but it made him a stronger person and they could use all the help they could get.

Athena could feel Sam's gaze on her before translating, "They want to know how the newborns differ from you." Sam was one of her closest friends and he cared about the small girl. He knew everything she had been through and understood how hard it was for her sometimes. She was there for him when he phased. She was like a sister to him. However, as much as Sam detested the fact that Athena was mated to a vampire, he respected her wishes and didn't interfere like she had asked him.

"They are a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind no has never been more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life," Carlisle explained. He turns to face Jasper, giving him a nod, before stepping back. You could see the respect that Carlisle has for him.

Jasper stepped forward with his hands behind his back, "Carlisle is right. That's why they are created." Athena noticed his accent as well as his unease. She could feel how difficult it was for him talking about newborns but knew with his expertise, they had a better chance at defeating the army. "A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army but no human army can stand against them." The wolves didn't exactly like what they were hearing, resulting in low growls from them.

"Now the two most important things to remember, are first: never let them get their arms around you, they will crush you instantly. Second: never go for the obvious kill, they will be expecting that and you will lose. Emmett," Jasper pointed to his brother who stepped forward.

"Don't hold back," Jasper told him.

"Not in my nature," Emmett smirked.

The pair fought for a few seconds but everyone could see that Jasper was winning. Emmet was using his strength rather than his brain, resulting in Jasper flipping Emmett onto the ground. "Never lose focus."

While Carlisle and Edward fought, Rosalie wrapped his arms around the small girl as they watched Edward and Carlisle fighting.

"One more thing, " Jasper states as Carlisle throws Edward to the ground, "Never turn your back on your enemy." Next it was Jasper and Rosalie, with Jasper winning of course. Finally, it was Jasper and Alice. Athena hadn't realised how sneaky the little pixie was but she had to give her props, despite being small, she knew how to use it to her advantage.

 Athena hadn't realised how sneaky the little pixie was but she had to give her props, despite being small, she knew how to use it to her advantage

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"I didn't know there was another way till I found Alice. Now she seen me coming, of course," Jasper smiled as Athena and Alice walked over to where he and Bella were.

"You kept me waiting long enough. I was so excited to tell you about Athena," Alice spoke as Athena wrapped her arms around her husband.

"My apologies, ma'am," he spoke to Alice before looking at his wife. "I don't know what I would have become without you."

Athena smiled, "Shhh. You never have to be that again." Jasper smiled before pressing his lips to Athena's. She was quick to respond and their lips moved slowly in sync as they relished in each other's touch. They then made their way back home as Athena was getting sleepy.

"Stay with me," Athena yawned as Jasper placed her on the bed. She had fallen asleep in the car on the way back home. Jasper smiled before kissing his wife's forehead. Athena snuggled up to him as she feel into a deep slumber. However, she was soon haunted by dreams of Victoria.

Victoria was the one who orchestrated the army and she was ready for a fight.

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