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"Seattle is in a state of terror

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"Seattle is in a state of terror. Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances. Theories range from a viscous new gang to a wildly active serial killer," the new reporter spoke as Edward and Bella walked into the living room. Athena was sat between Carlisle and Jasper with her head resting on her husband's shoulder. The pregnancy was really taking a toll on her, not that she wasn't ready to be a mother, it was just a lot.

"It's getting worse," Carlisle sighed as he switched off the television before continuing while looking at his family in the room. "We're gonna have to do something."

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they are reporting," Jasper explained as he pulled his wife closer to him, "Quite a few more. And they are undisciplined, conspicuous."

"It's newborns," Edward spoke. Athena knew he was right, the damage they had done had been extensive and they didn't look like they were slowing down any time soon. Too many innocent people had been turned and now they were wreaking havoc on humans that didn't ask for any of this.

"What, like new vampires?" Bella questioned.

"In the first few months after the change," Athena explained as she snuggled closer to her husband.

"It's when we're at our most uncontrollable. Vicious. Insane with thirst," Jasper continued.

"Something to look forward to," Emmett smirked.

"No one has trained these newborns but it isn't random."

"Someone is creating an army," Carlisle worried. The last thing he wanted was for this to come closer to their home and put them back under the radar of the Volturi. He knew they were breaking the rules by not changing Bella but Edward had been adamant on doing it later and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"Now we're definitely going to Seattle," Emmett grinned, getting up, breaking his knuckles.

"An army of vampires," Bella spoke in shock. Athena could feel the fear coming from the brunette. She had no idea what was going on and she didn't want those close to her, getting hurt. Athena worried that the army might be created by someone they knew and were created for the purpose of hurting the Cullen's as they were so close to where they were, something she would not stand for at all.

"And they've been created to fight someone," Athena sighed. Jasper sensing her nervousness, grabbed her hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles. He didn't want her to stress as she was pregnant. He would do anything to protect his family, even killing those that came for his family.

"We're the only clan close to Seattle," Edward frowned.

"Regardless of why they were made, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they let it go on for this long," Carlisle sighed.

"Maybe they are behind it. In Italy, I read Aro's mind. He wants me and Alice to join him. He knows we will never chose him as long as our family is still alive," Edward explained.

"An army could solve that for him," Jasper spoke.

"An army could solve that for him," Jasper spoke

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"How do you feel?" Jasper asked. Athena was lying on her bed in the Cullen's house. For the past couple of night, she had been dreaming about a redhead. Part of her knew that Victoria might be behind the army but knew she needed solid evidence before making an accusation. She didn't want to worry anyone.

"I'm fine. Tired," she sighed. She rubbed a hand over her stomach, hoping to fall asleep soon. The babies had really been keeping her up at night, kicking, in distress and she knew it was because of all of the stress she had been going through with this army of newborns.

Jasper laid down next to her, "What's got you worried?" Athena moved to rest her head on his chest as he soothingly rubbed circles around her back while sending her calming waves.

"I'm worried that whatever is going on is coming our way. I don't want to be weak but I'm scared our children might get hurt. I couldn't live with myself if our children got hurt. I can't use my powers without endangering them meaning I can't help any of you when the time comes," Athena explained. The two had never thought they would have a family so the thought of something or something hurting their family terrified them.

"I'm not letting anything happen to you or our children. I will die protecting you all. You're my everything and I'm not going down without a fight. I don't want you to worry. Everything is going to be okay. Sleep. I'm not going anywhere." Jasper vowed as he hugged his wife close, keeping a hand on her stomach.

Soon enough Athena was asleep, dreams plagued by Victoria.

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