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Taehyung stepped off of the train, finally free from the 'death trap' and the ride that took forever to end, not to mention the couple that sat in front of him snogging the entire time -Bleh-. Taehyung was just happy to finally be arriving at his destination. He adjusted his backpack and walked towards the exit, he slid his ticket into the machine and when it beeped he walked through. He took out the important document with his new address on it -important document being a napkin that he had grabbed and wrote his address on- and looked at his scribbled handwriting. He called over a taxi that was passing by and climbed inside. "Chanyan-O please." He handed the driver the napkin and off they went. Taehyung looked out of the taxis window as they drove, he watched the streets and the people passing, making up little stories for different things he saw, because within a second, it would be gone and he would already be making up a new story. Like, for example, there was two young boys sitting on a step -Taehyung was unable to get a close look at them but in his story, they were brothers- one of the boys had an arm around the other, they both had, what seemed to be, large grins on their faces. In Taehyung's story, the boys had just misbehaved. Not in a serious way, but in a joking way. Almost as if they had pulled a prank on a friend or a sibling.

Taehyung loved making up stories for random people, though he was probably never right. He was deep down hoping that, if they were, someone would make him a story. A good story, one with a happy ending. His thoughts were cut off as the taxi pulled up outside of a rather large looking apartment.

Roommates? (BTS Ot7 AU) ~not continued~Where stories live. Discover now