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Taehyung ended up spending around two hours just talking to Hoseok. They both already got along well and had a lot more in common than either of them thought they would. They barely even noticed that time had passed at all, until they heard Jin yelling on them from downstairs. "Dinner!" They both perked up and dan got off of their beds, making their way to the door. "Coming Hyung!" Hoseok yelled downstairs and opened the door, letting Taehyung out of the room first. Taehyung made his way down the stairs and greeted the other members of the house with a polite bow and a smile. "I'm Taehyung." He greeted the three boys that he hadn't met yet. They all seemed to be rather nice. Taehyung was surprised they all got along though, their personalities were all so different, he thought they would've clashed by this point. Jin told him that they made things work and that their personalities blended together easily. Taehyung nodded his head, that feeling of fear once again looming in his head, what if he didn't fit in with the others? Would they even want him there? Seeing as their personalities already blended, would Taehyung mess that up? He sat down at the table, in between Hoseok and Jimin. That boy Jungkook opposite him, sat in between Namjoon and Yoongi and Jin was sat at the top of the table. Taehyung looked at the food in front of him and grinned brightly, Jin took notice of this. "Happy?" He smiled at Taehyung and nodded. Taehyung nodded as well, quite frantically. "Yes! I love burgers!" He claps his hands together slightly. The other boys look at him, and smiled as well. Taehyung missed their smiles though, as he was already digging into his burger and the fries beside it.

Roommates? (BTS Ot7 AU) ~not continued~Where stories live. Discover now