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Taehyung stood completely frozen for a few seconds, before he realised that SeokJin was struggling with the mass amount of shopping bags he was holding. "Oh! Right, let me help you." Taehyung reached forward and took around three bags from the struggling boy. "Thank you." SeokJin smiled thankfully, not objecting at all. "Well, come on in. We'll get you settled." Seokjin walked forward and opened the front door. "Come on in." He ushered Taehyung into the apartment. "Thank you Hyung." Taehyung bowed slightly and made his way inside. "You can just call me Jin." Jin assured, setting the shopping bags down and then shutting the front door. Taehyung liked Jin. Jin had made him feel welcome, already. "If you don't mind, these can just go into the kitchen. I'll call someone down to help put them away." Jin picked up the bags he had set down and made his way into the kitchen, Taehyung trailing behind him like a lost puppy. Jin set his bags down on the kitchen counter and nodded to Taehyung, reassuring Taehyung he can put his bags down as well. "I'll just get someone. And I'll get someone to show you around." Jin smiled and walked out of the kitchen. Taehyung almost let out a whine of complaint, he wanted Jin to show him around. Jin was nice... and pretty. Taehyung looked up as two more boys entered the kitchen, they were both complaining and Jin just ignored them. "Listen you two!" Jin said in a very stern voice, it reminded Taehyung of his mother whenever Taehyung refused to do his chores. "You." Jin points to the taller boy, he had brown hair that fell just above his eyes and a bigger but somewhat cute nose. "Are going to help me with the shopping. And you." He points to the shorter of the pair, this boy had blond hair, it was clearly not his natural hair colour as he still had brown roots, he looked a lot friendlier than the taller boy though. "Are going to show Taehyung around. Good? Good." Jin hadn't given either of the boys anytime to answer or complain and set to work. The shorter boy made his way towards him and happily held out one of his, evidently small hands, for Taehyung to shake. Taehyung reached forward and shook the smiling boys hand. "I'm Jimin!" The boy said in a quiet but happy sounding tone.

Roommates? (BTS Ot7 AU) ~not continued~Where stories live. Discover now