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Taehyung had ran through almost every scenario about Hoseok. He was supposed to not think about him, he was supposed to try and think positively about this Hoseok guy. His thoughts though, once again, ran a little bit wild. He had scanned through every possible type of person Hoseok could be, or so he thought. Hoseok could be taller than Taehyung, he could be shorter. Hoseok could have blue eyes, or brown. Hoseok could hate Taehyung, or completely love him. He could be a messy roommate, though so far the room seemed to be completely tidy. He could be very demanding about personal space and make Taehyung keep all his stuff neatly on his own side. Taehyung thought he had thought about everything. Every possible type of person Hoseok could be, but he hadn't. He hadn't at all expected the way Hoseok really was. He hadn't at all expected the brightly smiling boy to skip into the room. (And Taehyung wasn't exaggerating when he said it was the biggest smile on earth) He hadn't expected the boy to greet him in a loud and cheerful voice and happily tell Taehyung he could call him 'Hyung' or 'Hobi.' Overall though, he hadn't expected the socks. Hoseok had skipped into the room, greeted Taehyung and sat down, slipping his uncomfortable looking shoes off of his feet. Hoseok was dressed smartly, a nice dress shirt, some black skinny jeans and his hair neatly styled into a quiff, but the minute he slipped off his shoes, Taehyung was greeted by some very, VERY, bright coloured dinosaur socks. Taehyung would have laughed at the older boy, probably would've said something about the ridiculous looking socks. He would have... if he didn't have the exact same pair of socks buried into his drawer somewhere.

Roommates? (BTS Ot7 AU) ~not continued~Where stories live. Discover now