Chapter 12 ( I'll always protect you)

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I woke up and looked around no sign of Mason....I sighed I reached for my phone which is my morning newspaper instead I caught a piece of paper it read

Diana love I had some pack business sorry I wasn't there when you woke but I had to leave anyways get dressed meet me in my office... your prince Mason

I smiled got up and took a 20 minute shower I put on a pair of ripped jeans I love them and a t-shirt with 'My boyfriend is hot!' on it I giggled to myself and ran downstairs I grabbed an apple and went over to Mason's office I heard Mason yelling

"He will come and take her I cannot risk it!!" he hollered

"Alpha Mason I promise he will not lay a hand on her" Demetri said

"Please watch over her he will come by noon and she is not allowed out of her room" he yelled

Then the door flew open I fell to the ground since it was holding all my weight so I could over hear

Demetri laughed and said good morning I smiled and ran to Mason straddling him "Good Morning my Prince" I quoted him He chuckled "you got my note?" "yup" I replied but then my happy face turned

"Mason who is not allowed out of her rro this noon?" I asked

he sighed "Baby please I-" I shushed him Mason I am Luna I have to be here and know every single pack business I crossd my arms

"But princess I don't want you to be taken away from me" he pleaded

"How in the name of fudge will I be taken away?" I asked curiously

he sighed and fixed me so I was sitting on his lap

"Baby girl listen my cousin Devon is back and he is after my mate please you have to stay away from him until I can see how I will fix this up" he said

"Fine" I said not knowing what else to say to him

"So what's for breakfast Love?" He asked

"Well I do not know yet but I am starving!!" I said amd giggled

"I just adore your sexy british accent!" he said and pressed his lips to mine it was an amazing kiss knowing I was sager in his arms than my room I pulled away and rested my forehead on his he smiled that smile that melts my heart.

I git up and pulled him with me aand led him to the kitchen "so bacon or pancakes" he asked while sitting me in the counter and standing in between my legs "hmmm Both!!" I said like a baby he chuckled and said "I've never seen a girl eat so much!" "are you saying I am fat?!" I asked pretending to be hurt

"Baby you have a rockn' body"

"Thank you you have a good body yourself!"

he continued with the bacon taking it out of the fridge and putting it in a frying pan

-----time skip-----

I was sitting in my room bored to death me and Demetri were laying on the bed playing 'I see with my little eye' yes we are that bored

Then I heard a scream not just A scream rose's scream I freaked out and ran downstairs only to see Shawn and Mason worried "What's going on?!" "He took Rose" Mason said I did not think through I changed into my wolf and ran following her scent but it began to fade I stopped at a road with three ways I heard a pain filled howl knowing it was Mason I mind linked him 'baby trust me I need to save Rose please she is like a sister' I shut the mind link off and went straight ahead then Rose's sce nt became clearer I changed into my human form and realised I had no clothes luckily K found a bag beside a tree I sniffed it eww rouge clothes I thought but I couldn't stay naked so I took an oversized t-shirt and put it on I walked into the little house and Rose's scent was stronger until I found a roo she was on the floor so peacefully her little body so helpless I turned around to hear a slow clapping I came face to face to a duplictae of Mason

Devon I Guessed I smiled and went closer "so you are Devon?" I asked

"Well done Princess Diana" he said

"What do you want?" "You" he said

"OMG that is so cliché!!" I giggled "You know the good girl asks her kidnapper what do you want and he's like you!!" I burst out laughing well I know I should be scared but nah he is nothing infront of me I could kill him with one punch

He growled and pushed me into the wall and locked the door well so much for that pinch Rose started waking up I smiled "Rose hunny bun are you alright?!"

"OmFG didi yea what the hell ate you doing?!" "well i am trying to save you but now w are stuck her until our knight and shining armor comes" I said I turned the mindlink on incase Mason is looking

'Diana baby I followed your scent but there are three path which do I take!' he asked

That's when Devon cam in witth a silver knife I had no time 'Middle' I screamed and I was out blackness took over me.

Mason's POV

Middle she yelled as if he had caught her I was so mad at this point I had to find her before he tried to kill her I know for one thing he will not threaten to cut her throat out He was an evil man and no evil man goes without punishment.....

I followed the middle trail and saw a small house I barged in and Devon tackled me

"Your mate is dead" he said

"Yea right if she was dead I would of felt it don't you know that Devon? I guess not since you killed your mate!" I said angrily

I threw a punch at his face and ran to the rooms Diana's scent was stronger I went into the room to see Diana on the floor on a pool of blood "NO baby you cannot leave me please" I saw Rose fainted probably from the sight of Diana I wa crying I checked Diana's pulse she wa still alive but with very low pulse I called for Shawn who was outside just in case he came in midlinking the pack doctor I picked Diana up and ran when we reached the pack house I set her on the bed and whispered in her ear "I am so sorry princess please don't leave me please I will protect you please just wake up" I whispered and cried

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