Chapter 2

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I was listening to music when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to the side the see the flight attended. "We'll be landing soon miss, please buckle up." I nod as she smiled and walked away.

I looked up to see the blue sky. I sigh and gather my stuff into my bag. Look's like its time for a new life.




Once we got out of the plane, and got passed the security checks, we grabbed our bags and headed out. It was about the middle of the day now. My legs absolutely hurt from sitting for so long. One of the reasons why I hate plane rides.

We managed to haul a taxi after a while. We put our bags in the trunk and got in. I was pretty excited to see the new house. Mum said it was beautiful and it even had a swimming pool and a game room.

About an hour later we reach the new house. As soon as I get out, my jaw literally drops. Like literally.

"Oh My Frigging God" its huge Tris says in shock while we nod in agreement. My parents come from behind us and smile "Hope you like the house kids, and you better go choose your rooms before Anna takes the best one. " she winks.

We stare at the house and see the door open and Anna's bags on the ground. We immediately race inside and up the stairs.

We ran up and saw Anna in her new room lying on her bed. "I found my room guys! " she screams in excitement.

I laugh at her and continue my journey down the hall. I mange to win the room from Connor with a game of rock, paper, scissors .

Rock always win's guys. The room was great. It was bigger then the one back in minnesota. It had a nice bed, vanity and a pretty decent sized closet.

It even had a bay window my personal favourite about the room. The weird thing is, it was facing a room window of the neighbours house. Like what kinda sicko designed this place? Hope the neighbours a girl then.


Since our stuff were delivered a while ago, we managed to unpack and decorate. I put my clothes away and hang my band posters up. Artic monkeys and The 1975 are my BAE'S.

I put my trophies and pictures on a shelf, and put some fairy lights up. I may love the colour black and soccer, but I still like my girly stuff.

Once I'm done, I just fall on my bed. It's about evening now. Perfect time for a run I thought. Good thing there's a park nearby.

I get changed (outfit on the side) and put my hair up in a high pony and put on my shoes.

I grab my phone and my phone armband and put it on my arm, while I grab my earphones

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I grab my phone and my phone armband and put it on my arm, while I grab my earphones. Once I'm down the stairs I tell mum I'm going.

"Alright honey, but be home in an hour and becareful ". I nodded and walked out. I plugged in my earphones and start my music.

I run down the pavement to the park. I see little kids playing and even dogs running around. I smile at the people I pass.

While I'm running, me being the clutz I am trip over something and almost fall. Thank God I managed to regain my balance. I look down to see a golden retriever waging it's tail and barking at me.

I crouch down to my knees and pet it. I look at its collar and see he has a name tag. Chester it read. "Hey, buddy where's your owner" I cooe as I scratch behind his year.

He just licks me in response. Mental awe moment right here everybody . "Come on boy, let's go find your owner". I grab the leash that's attached to his collar and begin to walk around with him, while asking the people around if they know who he belongs to.

Suddenly Chester starts running, and dragging me along with him. I yelp and scream "Slow down boy!" But does he listen?


He continues running and dragging me along with him. He is running straight to a guy and if he doesn't stop I'm going to crash into him.

NO, no, no, NO, I think. The stranger turns around just as he's eyes widen. Just like that my head collides with his chest. "Oww" I groan.

I look up to see a pair of deep green eyes looking down at me with a scowl. Just when I think the humiliation is over, Chester decides to start running around in circles, wrapping our legs with his leash.

I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next. That's right, I fell. And the worst part is, I fell on Mr Green eyes. He was on the ground while I was on top of him.

I took this time to look at him properly and, he was HOT. He looked like a Greek God. My staring was cut short when I heard someone yell "Chester, there you are boy."

I look to the side to see a cute guy with brown curly hair running towards us. "Nate get your dog of us man." Green eyed boy said to whom I guess is Nate.

"You done staring princess?" Green eyed boy asked smirking . I scoffed and say "You have a little drool right there" pointing to his face, as I get up off him.

He touches the side of his mouth, while Nate just laugh's. He realises that there's nothing there and glares at me, while I smirk in return and dust the dirt of my shorts.

"What's your name?" Nate asks laughing while shaking his head . "Kennedy" I say returning a smile as he shakes my hand. "Well Kennedy thank you for returning my dog" he says.

"No problem Nate" I say with a smile. I crouch down to Chester's level and scratch him behind his ear "You be a good boy now alright bud?" I asked as I kissed the top of his head.

He just barked and wagged his tail in return. I chuckle at him. Don't you just love dogs? Their just so cute.

"Aww babe, where's my kiss?" green eyed boy asked with a fake pout. I scoffed and said "No thanks, don't feel like getting sick anytime soon. Plus, who knows where that mouth has been." I said while shuddering in disgust.

He scowls at me while Nate is on the floor dying of laughter. "Maybe next time!" I say with a playful wink. He just continues to scowl at me.

I laugh and say "Bye Nate see you around and bye Mr Grumpy pants". Just as I was about to leave Nate says "It's Jake". I look at him confused, and he points to green eyed boy.

"Bye Jake" I say with a teasing smile and a mock salute. Not waiting for his response I turn around and start running back to my house.




After dinner and helping mum clean up I decide to go to sleep. It's been a long day, I think to myself. Saying goodnight to everyone, I walk up the stairs to my room.

"Kennie!" my mum shouts "We'll be going shopping tomorrow for your school supplies and some house stuff alright?" I nodded an okay and went to my room.

I did my night routine, closed the curtains and changed into an oversized shirt and some booty shorts. With that I went to sleep.



Hey guys, here is the second chapter. Hope you guys are enjoying the book so far. I hope the chapters are long enough for you guys. Please vote, comment and share and I'll be updating soon again lobe you alls.

-Lean 💜

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