Chapter 5

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"What are you doing here?" he ask's with a raised eyebrow. "I don't know if I should tell you, my parents always said don't talk to strangers" I say giving him a suspicious look.

"Ouch, Princess. I thought we were friends?" he puts a hand to his heart. I roll my eyes and scoff. "Sorry buddy, but I gotta go now" I pat his back and was about to walk away when he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls be to his chest.

I feel that warm feeling again, when he touches me. "Not so fast princess" he whispers in my ear. I could literally feel the shivers running down my spine,but the good kind.

"Jake let me go, I'm gonna be late for class" I say as I try to get out of his grip. He just tightens his grip and places his head in the crook of my neck.

"We have some unfinished business love." Fuck, is he talking about what I think he is? "I don't know what your talking about" I say as I try to get out of his grip. Damn, this dude is like iron man, he won't budge.

He spins me around and pushes my back against the lockers. He lets out a deep chuckle and holds me tighter, and might I just say his chuckle was freaking hot. Like surface of the sun hot.

"I think you and I, both know very well what I'm talking about love" he says with that smirk of his as he starts leaving small kisses on my neck. Fuck what is this guy doing to me?

His kisses felt like fire against my skin. I have to do something, I have to get out of here. Then, an idea popped up in my head. If he wants to play, I can play alright.

I put my hands on his chest feeling him tense. He looks up at me. "Maybe I do know what you mean, so what are you gonna do about it?" I say as I rub my hands up and down his chest slowly.

He tenses up even more and I smirk inwardly. Well this outta be fun. His grip on me loosens just a bit. Now time for step two. I start leaving small peppery kisses on his neck. I feel him shudder and groan.

I slowly start kissing from his neck to the corner of his cheek. Just as he thought I was going to kiss him, I brought my knee up and kneed him in the family jewels.

He fell to the floor. His face was mixed with anger, shock and pain. It took everything in me not to laugh. I looked at him "Not this time buddy!"
I smirk and walk away.

I see the few students around us laugh while some just stand there with shock. I smiled and just walked away. Shoot. I'm really late for class. Might as well skip it.

Jake POV

She did it again. She kicked me. In the balls. AGAIN. I am literally lying on the floor, in pain. I slowly regain my composure and get up off the ground. The few students there all had questioning gazes at me.

"What!" I yelled, and they all scrambled away probably scared. I mean, I'm not usually like this. It's just that if you get kicked in the balls twice by the same girl, I'm pretty sure you'd be annoyed too.

But she, she was different. She was difficult, but different. And I intend to find out more. I've got maths now, and it's almost over but better late then never right? Besides Nate is there.

The door slams open as I walk into the classroom. All eyes on me, curious gazes, and an annoyed one from the teacher. The teacher scowls at me. "Mr Martinez, how kind of you to finally join us." she says with and annoyed look.

I give her a sarcastic smile and go take my seat behind with Nate. "What crawled up your ass and died this morning? " Nate chuckles while raising his eyebrows. I grit my teeth and just say "Nothing".

Knowing this fool, he's gonna be bugging me about it later anyway. So might as well enjoy the silence now. And trust me, silence from Nate is very, very, very rare.

The only thing I could think about the whole time I was here, was her. She's one of the only girls that hasn't thrown herself at me, and I like that.
Fuck, I need to get my mind off her.

And then I realised something. Tomorrow is the first day of training. Today is the tryouts but those are for the first timers. Nate and I have been on the team for about 2 years.

Finally this year, I get to be captain. I've been working my freaking ass of for this, and nobody is gonna stop me from being the best.




Soon enough, the bell rings signaling lunch. I grab my backpack and make my way out of the classroom with Nate beside me. Once getting our food, we meet up with Jesse at our usual table.

In our group we have Nate, brown hair blueish green eyes and my right hand man. We've been buddies since diaper days. He's an idiot I tell you, but an awesome friend.

And then we have Jesse, he's the more quiet one in the group. He had a rough past, but is still a fun person to hang out with. He moved here a year ago. Ever since its been us 3.




It was finally time to go home. Nate and Jesse were coming back to my place to play some X-Box and hang out. They got into their cars, while I got on my motorcycle and drove to my place.

As I was pulling into the driveway, I remembered that mum said we had new neighbours. That house has been empty for a while now. It's about time somebody bought it.

I parked my bike, and entered our house. I could here my mother singing and followed her voice which led to the kitchen. My mother loves to sing and has an amazing voice.

It's kinda where I got my love for singing from. I entered the kitchen and it looked like she was baking something. I went up to her and kissed her cheek.

"Hola mamá." She turns to look at me, "Hola hijo, cómo era la escuela?" (Hi son, how was school?) I was about to answer her when Luke walks in the kitchen and yells "We get it! You both speak Spanish. But some of us, CANT !"

I laugh at him while mum just continues with her baking. As I pass by him I thwack him on the head and walk to my room. Luke groans "Mamá he just whacked me in the head aren't you going to do something?" he ask's in shock I could see mum shaking her head.

"Awee, it's okay my little baby" she cooes while pinching his cheek. I laugh and walk up the stairs. Soon enough the guys came and we were in the Game Room or as Luke likes to call it, "The Man Cave".

We play a few rounds on the X-Box while talking, mostly about practice tomorrow. When it comes to dinner, mum offers for the boys to stay but they declined politely.

A little after dinner, I head upstairs to my room to do some homework. Hei, I know I'm a bad boy but my grades still matter! After awhile of homework I feel tired.

I head to bed changing into some sweats and talking of my shirt. First day of practice is the only thing I'm supposed to be thinking of. But I can't help think about a fiesty blonde. Princess.



Hey guys, I know you have been waiting awhile for this Chapter but I was busy with school and stuff. Really sorry. This chapter was more of a filler chapter so I can get to the good stuff soon. Which will most probably be in the next Chapter ;). Hope you like it and please comment, vote and share. I would love to interact with you guys. See you soon my lovelies.


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