Chapter 10

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The sound of a whistle being blown stops all of our movements.

"Alright guys, that's enough for today. I expect to see all of you here bright and early tomorrow." coach bellows. "Anyone who's late, will have to do five rounds around the field." Damn, that's a little extra.

Nonetheless, we all groan in agreement and head to the locker rooms. As I was making my way towards the locker rooms I was stopped by one of the guys on the team. "Kennedy!"

"We're all going to Pete's Pizzaria after this, wanna join us?" A guy whose name I remember as Drew says. A smile form's on my face at his offer. "Sure, I'd love to."

"Great we'll meet you there. It's on the conner of Victoria Street." I nod and make my way to the locker room to change. I changed into some  Nike workout shorts and a black shirt. Grabbing my bag, I make my way to the car and send mum a quick text that I'll be home a little later.

She replies with a, "Alright, stay safe." I buckle my seat belt and make my way to Pete's. The drive there was quiet with the soft sound of my music playing in the background. I watched as the sun began to slowly go down and change the colour of the sky to warmer tones.

Pete's looked like the usual hangout for kids my age. It had a colour scheme of red and white. It looked like it was just out of a retro magazine. Looking around the place I spot the rest of the team at a large table on the right side of the shop.

"Kennie darling!" Nate exclaims as I take the seat beside him. "Hey guys." I greet them all. I take a look around the table and notice Jake is sitting opposite with a smirk. He winks at me and I suppress an eye roll.

We all make small conversations with one another until the food arrives. And let me tell you this, when they placed the pizza on the table, I could swear I heard the angels sing as light shone upon it.

I was snapped out when Jake threw a straw wrapper at me. "You're looking at the pizza, like how a fat kid looks at candy." he says with a chuckle. I scowl at him, and flip him off. Taking a bite of this mouth watering gift, I moan in delight.

We were soon done with the pizza and just sat around the table talking and laughing. Noah and Drew were arguing about normal fries or, curly fries being yummier .

About an hour later, we decided to call it a night and head home. Turning into the driveway, my phone started to ring. I look over to it and see its Caleb who's calling.

"Caleb! What have you been up too?" I exclaimed into the speaker of the phone. "Hey kennie. Nothing much. Just called to tell u the good news."

"Good news? What good news?" I ask in a hurry. "Well-" he drags on, "Guess who finally got a girlfriend?"

I suddenly scream into the phone, and hear Caleb mutter "Damn it Kennie, that hurt." I was parked in the driveway. "Congratulations C! I'm so happy for you guys. Finally grew the balls and told her huh?" I asked teasingly getting out of the car.

"Yea, yea, I gotta go now Ken, mum needs my help. I'll talk to you soon yea?" I nod my head, but realise how stupid that was cause he couldn't actually see me. "Alright C. Talk to you soon, Love ya."

I hear him chuckle. "Love you too Kenster." and hangs up. I roll my eyes and the old horrible nickname but can't help the smile on my face.

I was so caught up in my own world,  that I didn't notice Jake was also parked in his driveway and looking right at me. I smiled at him, but he just continued to stare at me with a frown.

Feeling confused about his actions, I decide to head inside. Locking the car door, I make my way to the house. When all of a sudden, Jake stands in front of me.

What the?! How the flying cows did he get over here with me not noticing?!

Before I could even say anything, he asks "Do you have a boyfriend?" I look at him with confusion all over my face. While he looks a irritated. "The person you said, 'I Love You' too."

"You mean Caleb?" I ask stupidly. Like he's gonna know who Caleb is. But now he looks beyond annoyed. He starts walking towards me, or more like stalking towards me. Each step he takes, I take one back. Until my back hits my car.

His face comes, closer to mine and his hands grip my waist. "Yes, I mean Caleb" he grits out. Then realisation hits me. Ohhh, the phone call. He must have head the 'I Love You' I said to Caleb. But wait a minute, why does he care?

I cock my head to the side, with a smirk playing on my face. "Why do you care?" His grip on my waist tighten, but not enough to hurt me. He comes closer if that's even possible, and presses his body onto mine.

"Answer the question Kennedy." Alright, alright, enough is enough. "That was my best friend Caleb, from back home-" I say, and he relaxes a little. "-and he-" I say softly as I place my face closer to his, and whisper "-has a girlfriend."

I don't know where the sudden confidence came from, but I placed a soft kiss on the nape of his neck. I could feel him tense, and his grip on my waist got tighter again.

I swear I heard him mutter "Have Mercy".

I smile at this, and give him another kiss on his cheek. I pull back and look at him. He had a slight blush to his cheeks.


"So no boyfriend?" he asks just to be clear. I roll my eyes at this and said, "If I had a boyfriend, no other guy should be standing this close to me, like this." Now, he looks at ease. "Good" he states.

"Good?" I ask. He just nods his head. "Yea. I don't want another man's hands around my future girlfriend." He says with a smile. Oh that smile. That smile is one of the most beautiful things I've ever saw.

"Only in your dreams Martinez." I say with a slight blush. "Baby I'm my dreams, you are much more."
Oh God, my face feels hot. I bet you it's as red as a tomato.

Jake smiles at this, and tucks my stray hair behind my ear. "It's getting late princessa. You got to be awake bright and early. I'll be at your door by 7.30."

"You don't have to, I can always drive myself." I say. But what he says next just makes me wanna melt. "Trust me princess, I want to."

"Goodnight Jake." I say my voice in an almost whisper and press a kiss to his cheek. He smiles in return and says, "Goodnight Princessa." and kisses my forehead.

With that, I make my way to my house. Getting in, I close the door and slide down with a big smile on my face. I didn't even notice a presence until I heard my dad's voice.

"Wasn't that the neighbours son?" he asks. I nod slightly with a blush still on my cheeks. "Rightttt. Kennie I have to tell you something." I nod and make my way to the lounge, taking a seat on the love seat.

"Sweets, I'm leaving tomorrow." My heart immediately drops and I feel tears starting to form. You see, my dad's a Sargent for the army. He isn't supposed to be on duty right now, but I guess they need him.

"When will you be back?" I ask sniffling a little. My dad smiles sadly, "It's only a few months honey." I'll be back in no time. I'm sorry I won't be there for your first game tomorrow. But don't worry I'm sure you'll do just great." I give him a small smile.

" Alright honey, there's a few things I need to do. So I'll catch you tomorrow alright?" he says standing up, with his arms open. I stand up and give him a big, tight hug. "I love you dad." I say on the verge of tears.

"I love you too sweets." he says kissing my forehead. Walking to my room, I grab a large shirt and my undergarments before heading to the bathroom to have a quick shower.

Once done I make my way to the bed feeling the sleepiness take over me, as I drift of into a peaceful slumber.


Alrighty lovelies, here you go. Hope you liked it and sorry for the long wait. Don't forget to vote, share, and comment. Love you guys.


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