Chapter 11

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The next day came soon enough. I got up doing my usual morning routine and made my way downstairs. Sitting at the breakfast bar, I made myself some cereal and decided to scroll through social media.

I can't decide if I'm happy or sad for today. Happy cause it's my first match on the team, or sad because dad's leaving.

As I was eating dad came downstairs, dressed in his uniform and set his duffle bag on the ground. He makes his way over to me and takes seat beside me.

"Morning dad." I say as I place my bowl in the sink a give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles up at me, "Morning sweets. You ready for your game?" I shrug not really knowing what to say.

"I'm kinda nervous." I say chewing my bottom lip. Dad just looks at me shaking his head, "Don't be. Just push everything else in your mind to the back of your head and just focus on the game."

He brings me into a hug, "You're amazing Kennie, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you honey, and I always will. Remember, no matter what I'm proud of you."

I could feel the tears start to fall as I hug my dad tighter and whisper "I love you too." We're cut out of our little moment when the doorbell rings. Wiping the rest of my tears, I open the door to reveal a smiling Jake.

"Hey." I say trying to put a bright smile on my face. But Jake's smile drops. He steps closer to me an cupping my face frowning. "You've been crying." he says it as more of a statement then a question.

I don't answer and just look down at my shoes. Jake opens his mouth to say something, but is stopped when someone clears their throat. I turn around to look who it is, and see it's dad.

"I'm just gonna grab my bag, I'll be back." I say, looking at Jake. Making my way up to my room, I enter the bathroom and splash some water onto my face. Looking in the mirror I retie my ponytail and take a deep breath, calming myself down.

Grabbing my bag, I make my way down and stop half way down as I hear hushed voices talking. It could only be Jake and dad, so I wonder what they're talking about.

Deciding to let my curiosity be, as I was to tired to snoop anyway. I make my way down the rest of the stairs. Coming up to the front, I jingle my keys to let them know of my presence.

Jake looks between me and my father clearing his throat. "It was nice seeing you again Mr. Jacobs." My dad smiles and shakes his hand firmly, "You too son."

Son? When did this happen? Since when were they so chummy? Hmmmm, something's up here.

Jake takes my bag and makes his way to his car, giving my father and I some privacy. My dad brings me to a tight hold and kisses my head. "I love you sweets. I promise I'll be back before you know it." he says as I feel my tears falling again.

I tighten my hold on him, "I love you too dad, so so much. Stay safe and comeback soon please." I say in an almost pleading voice. I give my dad one last kiss on his cheek and a tight hug and make my way outside.

Closing the door, I see Jake sitting in his car and I make my way over. Getting in I buckle my seat belt as Jake takes off. I know he knows what's happening right now and I'm glad he's giving me space.

I lean my head against the window of the car and listen to the soft music playing in the background. A few minutes go by, and I feel Jake reach for my hand and grab it.

I turn my head to look at him, but he's eyes still stay on the road. As though he can feel my stare, he squeezes my hand and brings it up to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss.

The whole ride through, Jake doesn't let go of my hand but every so often, squeezes it again. Reaching school, he parks in one of the empty lots. Sighing, I slowly unfastened my seat belt and get out.

I look up to see Jake looking down at me with a slight frown. I feel the tears starting to comeback again.

Fuck! I'm an emotional mess and I hate it.

He pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me. With no hesitation, I snuggle deeper into him and grab his shirt as I let the tears fall.

He doesn't say anything. He simply just hugs me and pulls me closer and whispers sweet things in my ear. After a while, he pulls back and cups my cheeks.

Looking into my eyes as though he's searching for something. The pads of his thumb slowly rub my tears away and leave a warm feeling.

"I don't like seeing you cry princess." he says with frown. I chuckle lightly at this, causing his eyes to light up.

"I'll tell you what. How 'bout, after the game we head back to mine, call the gang over and have a movie night?" he asks.

Well it would be fun, and I could get my mind off things. Eh, why not.

Looking up at him I smile, "I'd like that." He smiles back down at me, "Great, now let's beat these mother fuckers alright?" he says fist pumping the air. I laugh at him and kiss his cheek.

He looks down at me with a shock expression and a slight smile. "What was that for?" he asks in bewilderment. "Well, you made me smile and -" I say as I kiss his other cheek, "just because I can."

With that said I grab his hand and make my way towards the field dragging him along. Hearing him mumble softly, "Have mercy!"

I let go of his hand once we join the team and immediately miss his warmth. Snapping out of it, I place my bag on the ground and start warming up. I see the other team has arrived too.

After warming up, coach gave us the usual pep talk, as we discussed out strategy. Everyone seemed pumped up and ready to go. "You ready Kennedy?" coach asks.

I nod my head and say, "More than ever."

Hearing this, he pats me on the back and sends me off to the field. Looking at my surroundings, I see Jake looking at me. I give him a small smile to which he winks back at. I roll my eyes at him with a small smile.

The whistle blows, and I put on my game face. Let the game begin.



Hello my lovelies! Hope you like the new chapter and sorry for the long wait. Thank you guys for all the support at reaching 400+ reads. I love you all so much, and hope u enjoy reading. Don't forget to, vote, comment and share this story! See ya soon!


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