My life

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It was 2 am in the morning,and I felt like like either my eyes would break or they would bleed,either of them was fine.
I wanted to die anyway.
I thought of recollecting all the terrible times I've had ,maybe that would help
And I would cry myself to sleep,I had a science test today only.I began to walk down my memory lane.
My memory lane wasn't filled with girly shit,not ever,there weren't any blue skies, only graveyards with the memories scribbled on them the sky was was my memory lane,I had graphically designed it in my art book too,freaking everyone out.I walked down , to find my knees weakening,I threw myself to the ground just to see myself in a mirror,grinning awkwardly at my new purple hair.
The flash back
"Anne,are you ready yet? " Andy called from the window,I looked over to the window, to find him waiting out side,leaning against my car.
I stumbled out and he pulled me into a warm hug.
Holy shit!
His jacket smelled of blue berries.
As I was allergic to berries,my nose began bleeding.I pulled away,reaching for a tissue buried deep in my back pocket.Andy wasn't entirely used to this ,and he was scared of blood ,so he just backed away."hey,its okay,"I reassured him and we climbed into my assault-vehicle looking car.

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