Another world~ Part I

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The shadow had led me from the waterfall to a place far darker. Far wilder. With whatever strength, I tried to keep my senses on at all times. If he stabbed his knife into my heart, if I screamed, no one would hear. No one would know.

The mysterious man didn't think twice before leading me to a majestic black mustang. Even his steed was armed to the teeth, carrying his weapons. Quite a disapproving look was shot straight at me when I stood helpless next to it.

"You do not know how to ride?''


"Not even how to climb?''

I shook my head. I was tempted to tell him that from where I came, there was something called a car. But I doubted he would even listen. And perhaps it was better to keep my mouth shut. I didn't know who to trust yet. Even the man that just saved me looked like a first class murderer.

He climbed and pulled me with him, settling me in front. One hand gripped my waist, the other holding tightly to the bridles. With one kick in the side, the monster charged. And I almost died. It lunged with thunder speed until it got out of that creepy corner and trotted more quietly. Though I couldn't see him, I could sense the man's eyes darting from one side to the other, waiting. And I didn't like it one bit.

Through the entire ride, he kept to himself. Only silence and the chatters of owls hung in the air. From between the thick branches, I thought I saw the smallest flickers of amber.

"Is it dawn already?''

"Yes. A few more minutes before sun rises.''

Nothing more to the conversation. Several times, I felt his eyes pierce through the blades of my shoulders, his gazes trailing from my head to my back. Studying everything.

A cracking sound shot around us. And I froze.

The shadow didn't stop short, as though he was willing to play whatever awful game was being hosted. Discretely, too discretely, something cold grazed the skin of my hand.

My heart thumped as I saw the hand-sized knife being pressed to it, slipping between our fingers. I drew in a shaky breath, closing my fingers around the pommel.

Another crack reverberated.

A sudden black figure jumped from the woods, almost tackling the hell out of me. The mustang dove sharply, evading it by a hair. It galloped, jumping over the roots and sliding beneath the branches.

The thing charged again, its form unclear. Like a dark creation that went wrong. The eyes, the same dull color of dirty blood. The shadow turned, a bow in hand. Three. I counted three arrows being shot before the beast fell to the ground.

But the party  had just begun.

A snake dangled from one tree, its face appearing in front of my eyes with a flash. I screamed, my heart sticking in my throat. Not thinking, I raised the knife and pierced it through it.

The horse dashed again, and I merely had the time to see the reptile explode in a mist of black smoke. The hooded man was already battling behind me with creatures only the heavens knew what they were. Some looked like misshapen animals; some didn't even own a shape. Nothing but a blur of twirling and twisting shadows.

The shadow kept pushing his horse forward, tearing at every creature that lunged at us. He had already let go of the weapons and used his magic. The magic that put me on the edge each time something would blow or explode behind me. Sometimes, it even spoke.

"Hold on tightly,'' he ordered, his fist nudging the back of the mustang.

"Hold on to what?'' I asked, my voice turning to a cracked yell as the horse sprinted even faster. Fire danced around us, creating a tunnel between the trees.

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