The Academy~Part II

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"What do you have for your first hour?'' asked the countess, her eyes scanning her schedule.

''History, and you?''

"Politics and law.''

''That's my next course. Do we have a class together?" I asked, leaning to peer at her schedule.

''Apparently not. Whatever class we have together is delayed because of the trip. I will see you later, then,'' said Mayra, brushing me in a quick hug before disappearing in my opposite direction. Opening my parchment, I stared at the magical map traced on it. One of the many perks of this piece of magic. Although I was curious about history, I was more anticipating the afternoon. Apparently, the norm was taking first year's students in an outside trip to meet with a bunch of wood spirits. Those beings were to explain to us how they escaped from the umbra warriors to Cantelot and show us some of their magic.

And as I walked, guided by both the map and the stone path, I found my way to the library. A massive structure crowning the norm, adorned by marble statues and elegant glass gates.

As I sauntered inside, chants of knowledge whispered in my ears. Wisdom seemed to bathe in the calmness of the place. The lights birthing from the chandeliers danced against the silver of the tables and chairs, reflecting swirls on the polished tiles of the place.

For organization, the place was divided in two sections. One that served as a continuous library for studies and researches, while the other played the role of a classroom. And between the halls and shelves of books, a massive, green ball of light rested on its goblet-shaped seat. The eye of Lamera, it was called. No one truly knew what it served for, or what power it held. All we knew was that it owned magic too strong to be ignored. Having no time to mingle around, I looked into the sections until my eyes landed on mine.

Taking my seat immediately next to the tutor, I waited for his class to start. Sneaking some silent glances, I studied his appearance. His dark hair reached the base of his neck, a couple of strands falling over his eyes. An aristocratic nose with sharp eyebrows framed his face, sharp wrinkles lining the area nigh his eyes. And as the harshness of his face and the commending air he carried around was not enough, he was frowning. A frown that didn't waver from his face for the fraction of a second.

When everybody took place, Professor Saimen Tornweather pushed whatever document he was going through and spoke, ''Today we will talk about how King Leander ascended the first throne of Ardoria. A common topic of everybody's knowledge, yet some details none of you know exist.

"The Armedes house is the first royal dynasty that still exists until this day. All descendants of Leander The First, they carry the essence of the gods in their every move.

"Although Ardorians do not suffer from the span of time on their physiques, none recall how everything truly began. Our oldest wises and gurus have lived for more than a couple thousand of years, but it is still not enough to recall how true it had been since darkness overruled. Some studies approximated it to be between seven thousands and ninety hundred ninety eight or ninety nine years ago,'' said Saimen before standing, roaming around us as he continued his lecture .

''Apocalys was once known as the god of equality and justice. A judge for the souls; the good and the bad ones. And as he held strength over the balance between darkness and light, he once owned a place in the great circle. But he was never pleased. Apocalys always loathed the other gods for their ability to bless and create their worshippers while his duties were to watch and judge only. And for several centuries, he kept insisting on changing his duties.

"Yet, the others refused. Their ways seemed efficient enough during all those passed years that changing sounded futile. And he had enough of it.

"In his hands, the power to balance both sides laid. And like the souls he judged, he owned a dark shadow. Standing on the brink of heaven and hell, he provoked the great gods to a war. And to fulfill his aim, he needed a vessel. A mortal body that was to be his warrior on earth and his descendant. And between all the souls he observed, one vivid spirit caught his attention. Dearcious Armedes, younger brother of Leander, was the one that caught his eye. Summoning the darkness wrapped in his heart, he turned him to his puppet. Pouring from his godly blood in his veins, he transformed him to his first creations.

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