The Tunnels~Part II

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I panicked and started running, dragging the Shadow all along. My other hand grabbed Mayra's elbow, enveloping the duet with the same witchery I was using. We sprinted all the way to the shore, jumping away from the lividness of the attacking wave.

We flew before landing harshly on the solid floor, tumbling twice over each other. We survived by a slim sliver from being devoured by the endless, hungry swells.

"By the name of Rimelia!'' gasped Mayra, catching her breaths. ''That was close.''

''You tell me,'' I choked out, trying to bind my magic down.

''Is everyone alright?'' checked Carter to whom we all nod. ''Then let's continue. It is about a couple of hours before sunset settles; better use that valuable time.''


Perambulating. That was the only thing we did since we crossed the stream. Since the past hour and half, my mind had been reeling, trying to figure what was that whispering voice. The raging part was that it felt too familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

The sun was settling, lulling the lands to sleep, exploding in splashes of red and purple across the golden sky. The arrow was taking us deeper in the inner of a canyon, the concluding sunbeams hitting the rocky, blemish walls of the valley.

"Were we supposed to even find our way here if we only had that jabberwocky of a map as a cue?'' asked Mayra, hitting an important point.

''I doubt so,'' I said, ''it seems we're only getting away from the city and the capital. I'm starting to doubt that this is even the right way. Deneyosis is more couth than this, right?''

"Well, yes. It is more genteel than this despite being crafted almost entirely in a mountain. But we cannot complain, this is still our only connection with any possible sign,'' clarified Carter.

"The prophecy has not deceived us once until now, I say we wait and see where it will take us. But the most important thing remains in what Deneyosis holds for us. Hopefully, the city might own anything that can give us a push to find the chart, or else we are doomed. We cannot, in any case, lose time," voiced the shadow.

"So no one holds any slimmest idea of what place we are seeking?'' I queried, hopping I would get some pleasant answer.

Carter shook his head, to my dismay. ''I've been thinking nonstop about it, but came out with nothing. All the streaming waters rev life; it is what life emerged from in the first place. All the eyes are from Areles creation, nothing suspicious crosses my mind. At least nothing meaningly related to the god like what happened before. Areles' eyes are still opal, after all.''

"But it has to be something awe striking that will bring us to the edge. The first key was inside a holy dragon and the other was inside a temple crafted by the goddess, built on clouds. Of course neither the map, nor the key will be hidden underneath our noises,'' uttered May.

"So what are you suggesting? Because, honestly, my brain is dead tired trying to solve all of these riddles.''

"I don't know,'' she told me, ''I just think we have to see outside the box.''

The rest of us continued walking in silence, as though anticipating any of us to suddenly yaup and tell us the answer. We absentmindedly followed the arrow until it led us to the entrance of a grotto.

We all shared a look before entering, Carter going in firstly. My knife was in my hand, ready to be shot at any possible second.

The cave was enormous, with stalagmites and stalactites lining the rocky earth poising above and underneath us in a maze of nature's creation. Pale blue ponds rested around us, reflecting the golden hue of the treasures scattered everywhere, golden coins and gems submersed in the water.

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