The Eye~Part II

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We surfaced from the radiant, white gate, landing on leafy lands. Motionless, we stood on the highest point of an alp, endless rivers and verdant growths dressing the earth in a cloak of vivacity and beauteousness.

My eyes roamed across the nature around me, feasting on the unwonted, comely landscapes. Right in front of my eyes, the fountainhead gleamed with pride underneath the cerulean sky. Light seemed to dance on its squirting surface, casting colorful rays across the pictorial scene lying around me.

The wellspring was not a normal source of water, actually. Around the spurting source were dressed five cyclopean monoliths, forming a circle. Each monolith was carved in the form of a statue, respectively representing the five great Ardorian gods.
Aether colossus was the most humongous of all.

I walked around the circle, taking in the detail of the crafts.

All the deities had their right hand extended forward straightly, their palms opened completely. The other arm was bent, the left hand resting underneath the chest, with the arm forming a direct line.

Areles' left hand held an intricate glass, shaped close to a chalice and adorned with curves and loops around the cup and the stem where his fingers interlaced. A snake twirled around his arm, its head resting on the god's shoulder. Rimelia stood in a similar position, next to the sea god, with her spear in her hand and her mythical beast clutching  her arm.

One by one, I inspected all the gods and their holy symbols, awing at the breathtaking details that emphasized the statuesque elegancy the monoliths gave.

Underneath the feet of the gods erupted the water spring with might, forming a cataract that cascaded down the lands, giving birth to every single life.

It was the very first origin of water in this world.

The wavering surface shined underneath the burning sun like a sea of diamonds under light. I reached for my duffle and pulled out three cylindrical vials, filling them with this holy water.

Everyone did the same, filling every empty container we had with us. For a moment, no one uttered a single world, enjoying the pure magic cloaking our senses, revving our souls with power and hope. The symbol on my skin appeared by its own will, but I did not try to hide it.

Truth be told, it helped my magic merge with the holiness of the place, making a peaceful feeling rush in my veins. A feeling of safety and benevolence I'd never felt before.

"From where should we start?" I asked, remembering the enigma.

"The riddle said something about the place being underneath the dais and behind the curtain in the same time. But that's rather impossible,'' said Carter, frowning.

"Let's look around, perhaps we will find something compatible," suggested Leon.

The lookout didn't take more than two minutes as there was nothing to look at. The only eye-catching structure was the source. Other than that, it was far expending lands with colorful blossoms.

''To seize the third key, high the lands you will traipse,

The first clue is a chart that resides underneath the dais.

Behind the curtain of life, home of the squirting blue eye, is the intimater.

Where the tears revive, no soul shall ever die, abode of the eternal power.

Seek the shelter, creation of the only giver, where is the only mender,''

I chanted the riddle underneath my breaths, searching for anything helpful.

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