Forgotten Truths

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I settled my empty gourd on the floor, the liquid leaving a sweet taste in my mouth, standing along with everyone. Gonzo was taking us to Deneyosis, thankfully. With his help, we had saved another three days of walking. Each moment brought us closer to our aim, and, hopefully, to our salvation. Each moment brought us closer to our long-lost freedom. And he could do from this point on was to hope.

"Take them to the center, the vast space will be more useful,'' said the shaman, slowly lifting himself, using the cane as his support.

"Do you all have the ability to create gates?'' I asked, remembering that using such magical charms could destroy both the body and soul.

"A rare category of the tomptehs is born with a distinct ability that differs from creating. Gonzo happens to be one of the only four in our clan that can either open gates or summon people.''

"That's quite amazing,'' voiced Carter, making Gonzo puff his chest with pride.

One following the other, my friends emerged from the room, and as I was about to set foot outside the pleats, I felt something pulling me back, making me almost trip. I craned my neck to see the shaman's cane pulling me by the hood of my cloak. With a simple gesture of his hand, I approached him.

I knelt in front of the creature, his small hands reaching for his crystalline sphere.

He dipped his right hand inside the ball that turned into a burst of light before pulling it out, a golden bracelet reflecting the shining beams.

He clasped the jewelry around my right wrist, the color merging and contrasting with my markings. The bracelet had three pendants that hung with small clips. One of them was a horse made of pure glass, followed by a water drop, and finally a green eye.

"Consider this as a simple gift, child. A symbol of thankfulness from our kind,'' he uttered. And it felt quite odd to be called a child from someone who couldn't even reach past my middle.

"Thank you,'' I greeted him with a small smile, '' but what are those pendants hooked to the chain?''

''They are spells. You will discover their capability within the rest of your journey. Because I do not know myself. All I do know is that this is something I crafted to help you on whatever awaits you. May Ether blesses you with his aid, young lass. But be careful, you can use each only once.''

I nodded and stood, the short tompteh following me outside.

The center was somewhat vast, with a purple ocean of small creatures trying to get a good view of what was happening. Gonzo had a small bowl filled with blue powder dispersed on the floor.

As I joined the others, I watched the tompteh stand on the colored mill until the substance stuck to his feet. He started jumping, hopping in a circle around us.

''What is he doing?'' I whispered, leaning closer to Mayra's ear.

"Apparently, that's one of the rituals he has to do to be able to transport people other than himself through the gate. Since we are five, he has to leave five footsteps.''

Indeed, after tracing the five footsteps, Gonzo joined us before the kappa on his body started glowing.

A whacky feeling nagged my innards; a tingling sensation taking over me, making my legs numb. The strange sentiment trailed completely in my body before a surging magic pulled me and we vanished into mist of dust.


It was already late in the morning on the first lands of Deneyosis, the sun still lazily settled in its far azure. Gonzo left us on the high plan after wishing us an enormous luck and some nice spirit lifting morals, retreating to his coterie.

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