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It was the early morning in Rimelia. The sun was rising, still growing as a lazy splash of colors in the firmament, the lands still mostly asleep.

The crisp air kissed my cheek, carrying with it the scent of salty water. The weather was still warm, not something I imagined possible in the supposedly frozen lands.

Siltheres' portal had dumped us behind a couple of trees and bushes, away from the curious eyes of wanderers.

"What do we do now?" asked Carter, breaking the seemingly endless silence.

"We do as the dragon said: seek the lands of the olds. But first, we need to change into warmer clothes,'' replied Luthian, his air commanding like it was a gift running in his blood.

"Why do we have to change now? It isn't really cold," popped Mayra.
This girl really enjoyed questioning anything and everything.

"We are still in the first lands, mainly in Mienus Elayas, the part that is closer to Arelesia. The western foehn is keeping the area surrounding the port warm, but it is about a couple of hours before the weather changes.''

When he mentioned it, I realized that we were near a port, the armada of ships and boats still tied down. Few people worked so early in the morning, but what caught my attention were the two cloaked figures observing the area.

"Are they Lys-" Mayra's words were cut sharply by Leon, who covered her mouth with his hand.

"You never pronounce her name out of Cantelot. These guards will track anyone who disrespects the Black Queen. We'd better blend in and deal with it like all the others are doing.''

"So, we mainly have to count on Siltheres' protection to not get caught?'' I asked, mostly out of fear. We were walking under the nose of the enemy. Without proper protection, we were doomed.

"Yes, they shouldn't be aware of anything. At least, not this fast. Now, keep your heads low and obey whatever they are saying, '' drawled Luthian, not sparing us a second look. At that moment, I wondered how much fire I would need to melt the ice swallowing his soul.

It didn't take much from us to change and get prepared. The main street behind the port was filled with small shops, offering the equipment travelers needed. We stayed in the clothes we wore in the palace, not bothering to change. We all put on thick leather tops and a double-breasted, long black coat that was filled with wool in the inside, keeping us warm. The large pockets served to store a couple of weapons. We kept our hoods on all the time-plus our scarves and gloves-using them as a cover to hide our markings.

Carter, Mayra, and I stood in one corner, under a tree, waiting for Leon and Luthian. Those two had taken it upon their shoulders to convince some poor coacher to take us to Kilranon. And if Luthian's words rung true, it would be a couple of days' ride.

Silence dominated us, thoughts storming in our minds. Doubts whispered fear to our hearts. And while the coldness of the air was feeble still, the ice coating our hope wasn't melting. Until we retrieved the book, until we all made it safe and alive, it wouldn't do as much.

And, like a snap from reality, the shadow's voice darted through air and thoughts. A voice that defied fear in its every whisper and word.

"We found a ride. It is time we leave.''

Following, we all tore our way to the carriage. Next to one of the four horses, Luthian was already waiting. And so little did his piercing eyes caught my attention as I witnessed the oddity of the horses. Dripping white from head to hooves, the horses were coated by fur instead of skin. Eyes, the colour of dark nights, contrasted with their bodies, gleaming with frost.

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