To Vemor we go~Part II

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We were surrounded from all sides. Dark and slim, the umbra warriors encircled us, weapons in  hand. Their sights were curses to my eyes. Such a pale hue cloaked them that it could bring a ghost to shame. The white of their eyes had turned yellow, pierced by black irises. With pointed noses, hallow cheeks and a mouth bared of lips, they implanted fear in my heart.Next to them, several wolves roamed. Moments turned to infinity as nothing could be heard but the neighs of the crept horses.

Everybody who knew how to hold a weapon was already armed. Spears, bows and swords were immediately raised. And with a plummeting heart, I witnessed how everything moved painfully slow for a moment. Ramos was right in front of me, a long sleek sword already in his hand. He turned and glanced at Mayra and I. So softly he spoke, ''When I lower my sword, you run with the three students behind you. Separate if you have to, but stay alive.''

The fae and I spread the words and waited. A wait that lasted too short for comfort.

As the demons finally decided to launch, Ramos dropped his sword to the ground. In that moment, a long spear of light appeared in his hands, tearing at our enemies' throats.

And with what little coordination I still had with my legs, I ran.

Dashing between the trainees and into the woods behind, we all fled. All too lost in our surrounding, we separated. Only Mayra still ran alongside. My hands clutched the knife resting between my fingers, the cool metal ready to pierce whatever darkness following us. And it was the same knife Carter had given me when we first left the norm. ''For safety,'' he said, but I wondered how much help that poor weapon could lend. 

Despite running away, one of those damned beasts followed us into the heart of the forest. We ran, dashed, jumped and lurched, trying hard to evade from the demon at our heels. Several times, we had to duck as the wolf spat black fire at us, smoke still emerging from its nostrils. It growled once again, and I looked slightly behind me. Inches, that was how far it was. I could already feel the sharpness of its teeth in my flesh, the heat of its breaths along my skin. The thought itself made chills line my entire core.

My legs were on the verge of giving up, losing strength by each fraction of a second. And as the wolf got bored of running, it jumped straight at us.

Pulling me by my wrists, Mayra tackled me to the floor, her body falling halfway over mine. She had shot something that looked like a blade of wind at the beast, sending him back a few feet. She helped me up before we both raced time, fleeing from death.

A sudden sharp blast of cold ruled over my senses, chilling goose-bumps tracing my every inch. Reaching a split in the road, both Mayra and I were pinned to a trunk, our eyes greeted by the warrior himself.

Blood smeared his hands, a deadly glare in those hideous eyes. And like the lovely pet it was, the wolf circled around him, growling.

The fae and I shared a look, a silent plan brewing. "Go left,'' I whispered as I started conjuring some magic in my right hand. The absence of the mark made it hard, but somehow, I succeeded.

The umbra warrior took a step closer, then another, until he was in the striking zone. With nothing less than a blink, both Mayra and I sent a lightning strike at him. Somewhat feeble, but it gave us time.

In the haze of that moment, we split. My legs ached all the more, the loss of magic draining more of my energy. For a moment, I thought I was safe. For a moment, I believed I would make it out of this nightmare alive. 

Alas, fate was a cruel miscreant.

Behind me, the warrior ran. I considered the possibility that he knew who I was, if any of those diabolic things knew. But it was far from possible. Not with my mark hidden and no proof to show. While my body ached and groaned, he seemed to saunter his way. As though he waited for the moment I would stop running. For the moment I would be done escaping a fate he was so aiming to write.

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